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Department of Psychology

Faculty and Staff Directory

Melanie Palomares

Title: Instructor
Department: Psychology
College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 803-777-5453

Barnwell, Room 414

Resources: C-Panda Lab
Department of Psychology


  • Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University (2007

Research Interests

  • Visual perception and attentional selection
  • perceptual organization
  • subitizing
  • letter recognition
  • visual development in typically-and atypically-developing children
  • visual-evoked potentials (VEPs)

Representative Publications

Palomares, M., Englund, J.A. & Ahlers, S. (2011). Patterns and trajectories in Williams Syndrome: the case of visual orientation discrimination. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 32, 1021-1029.

Palomares, M., & Egeth, H. (2010). How element visibility affect visual enumeration. Vision Research. 50(19), 2000-2007.

Palomares, M., Pettet, M., Vildavski, V., Hou, C. & Norcia, A.M. (2010). Connecting the dots: how local structure affects global integration in infants. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 22(7), 1557-69.

Pelli, D.G., Majaj, N. J., Raizman, N., Christian, C.J., Kim, E., & Palomares, M. (2009). The role of Gestalt laws in letter identification. Cognitive Neuropsychology. 26(1), 36-49.

Palomares, M., Landau, B. & Egeth, H. (2009). Orientation perception in Williams Syndrome: discrimination and integration. Brain and Cognition. 70(1), 21-30.

Egeth, H. E., Leonard, C. & Palomares, M. (2009). The role of Attention in Subitizing: Is the magical number 1?. Visual Cognition. 16(4), 463-473.

Palomares, M., Ogbonna, C., Landau B., & Egeth, H. (2009). Normal susceptibility to visual illusions in abnormal development: Evidence from Williams Syndrome. Perception. 38(2), 186-99.

Palomares, M., Landau, B. & Egeth, H. (2008). Visuospatial interpolation in typically developing children and in people with Williams Syndrome. Vision Research. 48(23-24), 2439-2450.

Pelli DG, Palomares M, Majaj NJ. (2004). Crowding is unlike ordinary masking: distinguishing feature integration from detection. Journal of Vision., 4(12), 1136-69.

Majaj NJ, Pelli DG, Kurshan P. & Palomares M. (2002). The role of spatial frequency channels in letter identification. Vision Research. 42(9), 1165-84.

Pelli, D.G. & Palomares, M. (2000). Close Encounters: Details veto depth from shadows. Science, 287, 2425.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.