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Department of Psychology

Faculty and Staff Directory

Pamela Martin

Title: Professor
Department: Psychology
College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 803-576-5788
Office: Barnwell College Rm 545
Resources: Curriculum Vitae [pdf]
Dr. Pamela Martin


Dr. Martin joined the Department of Psychology and African American Studies Program in Spring 2021. She earned a B.S. in Psychology from the University of South Carolina, M.A. in Psychology from North Carolina Central University, and a Ph.D. in Ecological/Community Psychology and Urban Studies from Michigan State University.  After finishing her graduate training, Dr. Martin completed a National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at the Programs for Research on Black Americans at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan.  

Research Interests

My research agenda examines African American church-based health interventions that support a continuum of health services from prevention to linkage to care with church members and community members using church outreach services. I have established three areas of exploration: 1) theological orientations and behavioral outcomes, 2) development of a theological orientation church climate scale, and 3) religious socialization and health outcomes among African Americans.

For more information, please visit my lab website.

Representative Publications (Student co-authors are underlined.)

Henderson, D, Joseph, J, Martin, P., Mburi, M., Stanley, M., & McField, A. (In-Press). Investigating coping strategies across different school race-related stressors among older adolescents and young adults. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 

Henderson, D., Martin, P., & Harris, K. (2019). A Study on Undergraduate Community Psychology Pedagogy at an HBCU. Global Journal of Community Psychology.

Butler-Barnes, S.T., Martin, P. P., Hope, E., Copeland-Linder, N., & Lawrence, M. (2018). Racial stigma and psychological well-being among African American girls. Journal of Religion and Health. 57(4):1-16 DOI: 10.1007/s10943-018-0644-9. 

Butler-Barnes, S., Martin, P., & Boyd, D. (2017). African American Adolescents’ psychological well-being: The impact of parents' religious socialization on adolescents’ religiosity. Race & Social Problems. 9(2) DOI: 10.1007/s12552-017-9199-8. 

Butler-Barnes, S., Martin, P., Copeland-Linder, N., Matusko, N, Seaton, E., Caldwell, C. & Jackson, J. (2016). The protective role of religious involvement in African American and Caribbean Black adolescents’ experiences of racial discrimination. Youth & Society. doi: 10.1177/0044118x15626063.

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