Department of Psychology
Faculty and Staff Directory
Caitlin Hudac
Title: | Associate Professor |
Department: | Psychology College of Arts and Sciences |
Email: | |
Office: | Institute for Mind and Brain, 1800 Gervais Street |
Resources: | Director of the Brain Research Across Development (B-RAD) Lab Curriculum Vitae [pdf] |

Dr. Hudac received her B.A. in Human Development from the University of Chicago in 2005 before launching her research career in cognitive neuroscience labs at Carnegie Mellon University and the Yale Child Study Center. She received her Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2014, completed postdoctoral training at the University of Washington, and was an Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama before coming to UofSC in 2022. She directs the Brain Research Across Development (B-RAD) Laboratory ( and is the steering director for the Carolina Autism and Neurodevelopment Research Center ( Her work uses a variety of cognitive neuroscience techniques, including EEG/ERP, eye tracking, and fMRI, to better understand how the brain changes as infants, children, adolescents, and adults learn about others. Her current work captures how the social brain develops to support complex social interactions, including rapid detection and encoding of social information within real-time conversations, across three themes:
Understanding the social brain: We primarily focus on the development of the social brain, including basic processes
(e.g., social attention, intrinsic social motivation) and higher-ordered social cognition
(e.g., understanding goal-oriented behavior, reasoning about others, emotion regulation).
We implement a variety of statistical techniques to better understand the unique contribution
of different cognitive substages. We work with neurotypical populations to better
understand these mechanisms with an emphasis on how the social brain responds dynamically
(i.e. moment-to-moment).
Neurodevelopmental disorders: We work to identify "biomarkers" that may be critical for generating targeted treatments
for neurodiverse individuals, including people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
and intellectual disability (ID) diagnoses. We aim to identify unique subgroups by
examining patterns across biomarkers -- for instance, subgroups based upon genetic
etiology or based upon behavioral profile. Current efforts in biomarker development
target GRIN2B, SCN2A, DYRK1A, and CHD8 disruptive mutations.
Addressing disparities: We investigate brain development in populations that are historically represented
in research, including rural and minority populations. Several of our projects directly
tackle this aim: for instance, we are currently working to showcase our methodologies
for completing EEG/ERP testing with minimally verbal youth, as well as working closely
with community members and hairstylists to solve technological (equipment) hurdles
to improve research experiences for individuals with coarse and curly hair. More broadly,
we are committed to overcoming traditional barriers to participation through community
engagement, as well as creative solutions to reduce burden on families (e.g., researchers
travel to complete EEG testing using portable equipment).
- Hudac, C.M., Wallace, J., Ward, V.R., Friedman, N.R., Delfin, D., & Newman, S. (2022). Dynamic cognitive inhibition in the context of frustration: Increasing racial representation of adolescent athletes using mobile community-engaged EEG methods. Frontiers Neurology, 13, 2022.
- Hudac, C.M., Naples, A., DesChamps, T.D., Coffman, M.C., Kresse, A., Ward, T., Mukerji, C., Aaronson, B., Faja, S., McPartland, J., & Bernier, R. (2021). Modeling temporal connectivity of face processing in youth and adults. Social Neuroscience, 2021: 1-17.
- Hudac, C.M., Santhosh, M., Celerian, C., Chung, K-M., Jung, W., & Webb, S.J. (2021) The role of racial and developmental experience in emotional adaptive coding. Developmental Neuropsychology, 1-16.
- Earl, R.K., Ward, T., Gerdts, J., Eichler, E.E., Bernier, R.A., & Hudac, C.M. (2021). Sleep problems in children with ASD and gene disrupting mutations. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 182(5) doi: 10.1080/00221325.2021.1922869.
- Hudac, C.M. (2019). Rapid dynamic modulation of ostracism neural responses following social priming. Social Neuroscience, 14(3), 313-327.
- Beighley, J.S.*, Hudac, C.M.*, Arnett, A.B., Peterson, J.L., Gerdts, J., Wallace, A.S., Mefford, H., Hoekzema, K., Turner, T.N., O’Roak, B.J., Eichler, E.E., & Bernier, R.A. (2019). Clinical and behavioral phenotypes of carriers of mutations in CHD8 or its conserved target genes. Biological Psychiatry, 87(2), 123-131. (Link to webinar Spectrum presentation)
- Hudac, C.M., DesChamps, T.D., Arnett, A.B., Cairney, B.E., Ma, R., Webb, S.J., & Bernier, R.A. (2018). Early enhanced processing and delayed habituation to deviance sounds in autism spectrum disorder. Brain and Cognition, 123, 110-119.
- Kaiser, M. D., Hudac, C. M., Shultz, S., Lee, S., Cheung, C., Berken, A. M., Deen, B., Pitskel, N. B., Sugrue, D. R., Voos, A. C., Saulnier, C. A., Ventola, P., Wolf, J.M., Klin, A., Vander Wyk, B. C., & Pelphrey, K. A. (2010). Neural signatures of autism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107, 49, 21223-21228.