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Department of English Language and Literature


Thomas Jackson Rice

Title: Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Department: English Language and Literature
College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 803-777-9493
Office: HUO 307
Resources: Curriculum Vitae [pdf]
English Language and Literature


PhD, Princeton University, 1971

Areas of Specialization 

    Twentieth- and Twenty First-Century British, Anglophone, and World Fiction
    Narrative Theory
    Victorian British Fiction

Recently Taught Courses 

    GRADUATE Modern British Fiction, James Joyce, Postmodernism
    UPPER-LEVEL UNDERGRADUATE Modern English Literature, James Joyce's Ulysses, The English Novel II, The Short Story
    LOWER-LEVEL UNDERGRADUATE Postcolonial Literature, Fiction, Poetry, English Literature II

Professional Accolades 

    Guest Professorship, Trieste Joyce School (2009)
    Guest Professorship, University of Vienna (2008-09; 2010 [tent.])
    Guest Lecturer - Chekhov Library (Taganrog, Russia, 2007)
    Guest Professorship - Moscow State University, University of Obninsk, University of Chelyabinsk (Russia, 1997)
    University of South Carolina Research Award (1998)
    Iris Murdoch Society Award for Distinguished Scholarship (1998)
    Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst Fellowship (Germany 1992)
    Fulbright Professorship (Germany, 1990)

Current Research Projects 

I am currently rotating my attention among three ongoing book projects, in various states at the moment: "The Contemporary Novel of Complexity," on Murdoch, Rushdie, Kundera, DeLillo, Eco, Ishiguro, and perhaps others; "Iris Murdoch: Platonic Realist," a full study of Murdoch's fiction; and "Finnegans Wake, Sense, and Consciousness," on cognitive neuroscience, the senses, and their functions in Joyce's last work.

I am also revising papers on Tolstoy's War and Peace, Pasternak's Doctor Zhivago, and Chekhov's short fiction with an eye toward publication.

Selected Publications 

I am the author of nine books and over 100 articles, papers, and pamphlets on nineteenth-, twentieth- and twenty first-century British, Anglophone, American, and World literature, principally fiction.

Beyond two early books on the Modern English Novel, two books on James Joyce, and books on Charles Dickens, D.H. Lawrence, and Virginia Woolf, my two most recent books are:
    Cannibal Joyce. Gainesville: Univ. Press of Florida, 2008, and
    Joyce, Chaos, and Complexity. Urbana and Chicago: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1997.

    "Politics and Prophylactics: The Secret Agent and Under Western Eyes." Joseph Conrad: Between Literary Techniques and Their Messages. Ed. Wiesław Krajka. East European Monographs. Boulder and Lublin: Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Press, 2009, 93-112.
    "'Heliotropical noughttime' in Schenectady," Hypermedia Joyce Studies 9.2 (2008).
    "Condomization in The Secret Agent and Under Western Eyes." Conradiana 40.2 (2008): 129-45.
    "Ulysses and the Kingdom of Shadows." James Joyce Quarterly 40.1-2 (Fall 2002): 161-68. [published Oct. 2005]
    "Conrad, Condoms, and Joyce." Twenty-First Joyce. Ed. Morris Beja and Ellen Carol Jones. Gainesville: Univ. Press of Florida, 2004, 219-38.
    "I Do Mince Words, Don't I? Ulysses in Tempore Belli." joyceMedia: James Joyce, Hypermedia and Textual Genetics. Ed. Louis Armand. Prague: Litteraria Pragensia, 2004, 144-51.
    "His Master's Voice and Joyce." Cultural Studies of James Joyce. Ed. R.B. Kershner. European Joyce Studies 15. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2003, 149-66.
    "Mapping Complexity in the Fiction of Umberto Eco." Critique 44.4 (2003): 349-68.
    "Subtle Reflections of/on Joyce in/by Borges." Journal of Modern Literature 24.1 (Fall 2000): 47-62.

Recent Presentations 

    Guest Professor, Trieste Joyce School, June-July 2009.
    "Joyce and Cultural Transfer." 2009 Trieste Joyce School, Trieste, 28 June-4 July 2009 [Plenary Address].
    "'Mind's Eye' - 'mine size': Vision in Finnegan's Wake." Eire on the Erie: The North American James Joyce Conference, Buffalo, NY, June 12-17, 2009.
    "Vizualizing the Wake." Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture since 1900, University of Louisville, 21 February 2009.
    "Creative Cannibalism." University of South Carolina, 10 September 2008. [Bookends Lecture Series]
    "'Heliotropical noughttime' in Schenectady," Re-Nascent Joyce, 21st International James Joyce Symposium, Tours [France], 17 June 2008.
    "Cannibalism and Cultural Transfer." University of Vienna, 18 January 2008. [Guest Lecture]
    "Cannibalism and Creation, or James Joyce Learns to Spit." Wabash College [Indiana], 8 November 2007. [Invited Lecture]
    "Modernism, Postmodernism, and Beyond" [9-Hour Lecture Series] Southern Federal University (TSURE) and the Chekhov Library, Taganrog [Russia], May-June 2007.
    "Art as Prophylaxis: Condomization in The Secret Agent." Conrad's Polish-Ukrainian Footprints, 4th International Joseph Conrad Conference, Lublin and Kazimierz Dolny (Poland), 20 June 2006.
    "Tele/Tell a Vision in Finnegan's Wake." Joycean Unions, 20th International James Joyce Symposium, Budapest, 15 June 2006.
    "Joyce the Cannibal." University of Vienna, 8 June 2006. [Guest Lecture]
    "Caliban Bloom: Cannibalism in Ulysses." 34th Annual Twentieth-Century Literature Conference 2006, Louisville KY, 24 February 2006.
    "Joyce's Women - Coetzee's Maiden." In the Track of the Sun, Miami Joyce Conference 2006, 4 February 2006.
    "Joyce the Cannibal." Return to Ithaca, North American James Joyce Conference, Ithaca, NY, 17 June 2005. [Plenary Address]
    "Chaos Theory and Literature." Invited Visiting Lecturer. Moscow State University, 14-16 October 2003.
    "I do mince words, don't I? Ulysses in Tempore Belli." Post-Industrial Joyce, North American James Joyce Conference, Tulsa, OK, 17 June 2003.
    "Modernism and the Ephemeral: His Master's Voice." Modernist Studies Association, Fourth Annual Conference, Madison, WI, 2 November 2002.
    "Conrad, Condoms, and Joyce." JJ on the Bay, The Sarasota James Joyce Birthday Conference, Sarasota, FL, 1 February 2002.

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