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Department of English Language and Literature


Erica Fischer

Title: Instructor
Department: English Language and Literature
College of Arts and Sciences
Office: HOB 603
Erica Fischer


PhD, English, University of South Carolina
MA, English, University of West Florida
BA, English, Florida State University

Areas of Specialization

Rhetoric and Composition pedagogies
Modernism and postmodernism
Twentieth and twenty-first-century literature
Conceptual and Constraint-based writing practices


ENGL 101: Critical Reading and Composition
ENGL 101 Honors: Critical Reading and Composition
ENGL 102: Rhetoric and Composition
ENGL 102 Honors: Rhetoric and Composition
ENGL 460: Advanced Writing

Selected Awards

Excellence in Teaching Award, FYE, University of South Carolina, 2016
Russell J. and Dorothy S. Bilinski Fellowship, College of Arts and Sciences, University of South Carolina, 2014
Dr. William Richey Mentorship Award, FYE, University of South Carolina, 2013  

Research Interests

I am currently working on a piece for an edited collection about the role of humor in conceptual writing. 


   • “Transforming the Labor of the Dissertation though Director Participation in Writing Groups.” 62nd Annual Conference on College Composition and Communication. Kansas City, Missouri. March 16, 2018.
   • “Unsustainability and Conceptual Writing: Productive Constraints and the Limits of Audience in Gregory Betts’ If Language.” Association for the Study of the Arts in the Present. Greenville, South Carolina. September 24-27, 2015.      
   • “Kairotic Encounters: The Possibilities for Constraint-based Writing in Composition-Rhetoric Pedagogy.” 15th Biennial Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. May 25-28, 2012.
   • “Conceptualism in the Writing Classroom.” 56th Annual Conference on College Composition and Communication. St. Louis, Missouri. March 21-24, 2012.
   • “Conceptual Writing as a New Progymnasmata.” 56th Annual Conference on College Composition and Communication. Research Network Forum. St. Louis, Missouri. March 21-24, 2012.
   • “Silence as Salvation: John Singer as Savior in The Heart is a Lonely Hunter.” 43rd Northeastern Modern Language Association Conference. Montreal, Canada. April 8-12, 2010.
   • “The ‘Best that Has Been Thought or Said’: The Postmodern Turn in Point Counter Point.” Transitions, Translations, Transmutations Conference. University of South Carolina. Columbia, South Carolina. April 10-12, 2009.
   • “The Fallacy of Canadian Postmodernism: The Absence of National Identity in the Texts of Douglas Coupland.” 37th Canadian Literature Symposium. Ottawa, Canada. May 9-11, 2008.       

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.