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Department of English Language and Literature


Mindy Fenske

Title: Associate Professor
Department: English Language and LIterature
College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 803-777-6595
Office: HUO, Room 225
Resources: Curriculum Vitae [pdf]
English Language and Literature


Ph.D., Louisiana State University
M.A., Arizona State University


Performance Studies
Visual Cultural Studies
Critical Methodology


SPCH 230 – Business and Professional Speaking
SPCH 260 – Argumentation and Debate
SPCH 330 – Small Group Communication
SPCH 340 – Literature and Performance
SPCH 411 – Arguments in Cultural Studies
SPCH 701 – Teaching Speech Communication


    Winner of the 2010 National Communication Association’s Lilla A. Heston Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Interpretation and Performance Studies.
    Winner of the 2005 National Communication Association's Golden Monograph Award for the essay, "The Aesthetic of the Unfinished: Ethics and Performance, " published in Text and Performance Quarterly.

Research Projects 

My communication scholarship lies at the intersection between performance, cultural, and visual rhetorical studies. I employ theories of performance and visual representation to critically investigate popular and historical multi-mediated representations of the human body. My analyses focus on how identity is visually and discursively produced, performed, and constructed in order to explore possibilities for critical and social agency.


Tattoos in American Visual Culture (New York: Palgrave, 2007)

"Movement and Resistance: (Tattooed) Bodies and Performance." Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 4.1 (March 2007): 51-73.

"The Movement of Interpretation: Conceptualizing Performative Encounters with Multimediated Performance." Text and Performance Quarterly, 26.2 (April 2006): 138-161.

"The Aesthetic of the Unfinished: Ethics and Performance." Text and Performance Quarterly, 24.1 (January 2004): 1-19. (Winner of 2005 National Communication Association Golden Anniversary Monograph Award)


“Becoming Publics.” National Communication Association Convention, Washington DC: November 2013.

"Digital Moments and Technological Movements in Performance." National Communication Association Convention, Chicago: November 2009.

"Structures of PresencMedia, Movement, and Music." National Communication Association Convention, San Diego, CA: November 23, 2008.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.