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Department of English Language and Literature


F.K. Schoeman

Title: Professor
Department: English Language and Literature
College of Arts and Sciences
Office: HUO, Room 508
Resources: Curriculum Vitae [pdf]
Jewish Studies Program
English Language and Literature
My Personal Website


PhD, Graduate Center, City University of New York, 2008
MA, Brandeis University, 1998
Laurea Summa Cum Laude, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy, 1995


    Holocaust Studies
    Jewish Fiction, Autobiographies and Film
    Jewish Literature and Thought
    Jewish Diaspora - Europe and America: History, Literature, and Cultural Productions
    Women's Memoirs
    Feminist and Psychoanalytical Approaches to Western Cultural Production


    The Holocaust through Literature and Film
    "Rhapsody in Schmaltz:" 20th-Century Jewish American Literature, Film and Pop Culture
    Women and Shoah Memory, Memoirs and Memorials
    At Home in the Shtetl: Pre-War Jewish Life through Literature
    Fictional Memory: Women's Autobiographies and the Definition of the Self
    Melting Identities: The Formation of a Jewish-American Identity
    Family Matters: Twentieth-Century Jewish Women Remembering Family and/as History
    Great Books of the Western World (II): Europe - From Enlightenment to Disenlightenment - A Postmodern Approach
    Diasporas: Jews and Other Immigrants Writing Their American Story


    2023 English Department Teaching Award
    2022 Women’s & Gender Studies Faculty Teaching Award
    2017 CURT C. AND ELSE SILBERMAN FELLOWSHIP FOR FACULTY from the Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies (US Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC).
    INTERNATIONAL WILL EISNER COMIC INDUSTRY AWARD FOR BEST SCHOLARLY ACADEMIC WORK for the volume Graphic Details: Confessional Comics by Jewish Women, Sarah Lightman editor (2015).
    English Department's Teacher of the Year Award, 2013
    Forence Home Award for Feminist Scholarship from Modern Language Association Women's Caucus, 2012
    University of South Carolina College of Arts and Sciences Summer Research Stipend Award, 2011
    Josephine Abney Award in Women's and Gender Studies, 2010
    Honorable Mention for the Carolyn Heilbrun Award, 2008-2009
    The National Foundation for Jewish Culture and The Maurice and Marilyn Cohen Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship in Jewish         Studies, 2007-2009
    Blanksteen Fellowship in Jewish Studies, 2006-2007


   • South of My Dreams: Finding My American Home - A memoir. USC Press, 2024.
   • Holocaust Mothers and Daughters: Family, History, and Trauma. Brandeis University Press, 2013.
    “Funny Professors, Serious Lessons: An Analysis of the Image of Jews as Academics in Film,” F.K.Schoeman and Christian Anderson. Forthcoming in Jewish Film & New Media.
    “Between Jew and Nature: Tracing Jewish Ethics in the Ecological Imagination of Bernard Malamud’s Dubin’s Lives” in Studies in American Jewish Literature, volume 38, Number 1 (March 2019): 47-75.
    "Natalia Ginzburg, Clara Sereni, Lia Levi: Jewish Italian Women Recapturing City, Family and National Memory," forthcoming in The European Journal of Women's Studies.
    "The JAP, the Yenta and the Mame in Aline Kominsky Crumb's Graphic Imagination" The Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics (Routledge University Press) June 2012.
    "Nightbirds, Nightmares and the Mothers' Smile: Art and Psychoanalysis in Sarah Kofman's Life-Writing." Women in French Studies, 2011.
    "Helena Janeczek's Lessons of Darkness: Uncharted Paths to Shoah Memory through Food and Language." Contemporary Women Writers (Oxford University Press) Fall 2011.
    "Challenging (Jewish) Invisibility: Natalia Ginzburg, Lia Levi and Clara Sereni Reinterpreting City, Family and Memory," forthcoming in the volume Performing Pasts, Inventing Selves: History and Identity in Contemporary Jewish Writing, Philippe Codde, Vivian Liska, Gert Buelens, and Kristiaan Versluys eds. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2011.
    "DOWN, DOWN AND WITHIN! The Superpowers of Jewish Women's Graphic Memory," contributed to the catalogue for the exhibition "Graphic Details: Confessional Comics by Jewish Women" (The Jewish Forward) 2010.
    "Indispensabile naturalezza: Una conversazione con Federica K.Clementi" in the volume Wyslawa Szymborska, Opere. Pietro Marchesani, ed. Milan, Italy: Adelphi Edizioni, 2008. (Conversation with the author)
    "'Shoah Delle Donne': Famiglia e Esperienza Personale nella Letteratura Femminile della Shoah" ["'Women's Shoah:' Family and Personal Experience in Female Shoah Literature"] in Tra Storia e immaginazione: gli Scrittori ebrei di lingua italiana si raccontano. Hanna Serkowska, ed. Krakow, Poland: Wydawnictwo RABID, 2008.

In Edited Volumes

   • “We Are No Anne Frank. And Yet…” in Creating under Covid, ed. Judith Tydor-Schartz. Bar-Ilan University, Israel: The Finkler Institute of Holocaust Studies, 2020; 131-32.
 “An Academic Autobiography in Seven Uneasy Vignettes,” in Her Story, My Story? Writing about Women and the Holocaust, eds. Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwartz and Dalia Ofer. Bern, Sweitzerland: Peter Lang, 2020; 235-247.
    “Of Mice and Women” in Jewish Women’s Comics: Borders and Bodies, Andrea Greenbaum et al. eds.Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2019. (Forthcoming)
    “Federica K. Clementi on Aline Kominsky-Crumb,” in Graphic Details: Confessional Comics by Jewish Women.Sarah Lightman ed. New Jersey: McFarland, 2014. Graphic Details won the Will Eisner Comic Industry Award 2015.
    “Introduction,” “Discussion Questions,” and “Exercises” for Art Spiegelman's MAUS: A Survivor's TaleThe Carolina Reader. 1rst, 2nd, 3rd eds. Hayden McNeil, 2014: 134-142.

Mass Media

    “The End of the Holocaust: Looking on from Far away” - in The FreeTimes, April 15, 2020. (Distribution reach: 2.000.000)
    Teaching the Holocaust in the South after Charlottesville” in The Daily Kos, August 11, 2018.
    “Antisemitism: Paving the Path to Genocide,” in The State newspaper, Special Supplement from the Columbia Holocaust Education Commission, April 6 (2018) 4-5.
    “Describing the Indescribable: ‘Holocaust’ and Its Meaning” in The State, A Special Supplement from the Columbia Holocaust Education Commission, April 12 (2015) 5 and 23.
    “‘How Could This Have Happened?’: Trying to Understand the Holocaust” in The State, A Special Supplement from the Columbia Holocaust Education Commission, April 13 (2014) 6-7. 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.