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Clubs and Organizations

USC Union encourages participation in a wide variety of student organizations and activities. Co-curricular activities can be related to specific academic topics and so directly support classroom learning, or they can more broadly promote intellectual, social, or physical development. You will learn more about your world, yourself, and about others. You will become a stronger leader, colleague, and friend.

Bantam Gazette

We are USC Union's student newspaper and we are here to share the day-to-day stories of our university! We cover university news, campus and community events, sports, student life, and the accomplishments of our students, faculty, and staff. We also showcase student works like short stories, poetry, and personal essays. 

USC Union has a long history of student journalism, starting with The Bantam, a newspaper that was written and edited by students when our university first opened in the 1960s. Our current Bantam Gazette releases a print issue each month with articles and creative works by students, sports updates, student, faculty, and staff spotlights, and news from our campus blog. We also release student articles on our website

We hope to see your work in the next Bantam Gazette!

Student Government Association 

The Student Government Association (SGA) is composed of all registered undergraduate students of the University of South Carolina Union. Upon payment of semester fees, students are automatically considered members of this organization. Student Government Association officers are elected by the student body; these officers include a president, vice president, and secretary-treasurer. Together with the senators, they make up the governing council of the SGA.

The purpose of the SGA is to represent the student body both academically and socially. The SGA schedules and directs activities. Any co-curricular activity of interest to students can be organized within the framework of the SGA. You can read the SGA Constitution [pdf] for more information. 

Research Club

The USC Union Research Club aspires to expose students to a variety of research experiences across a wide range of disciplines, while facilitating connections between students and faculty that may lead to new scholarly collaborations. Club activity includes the planning and execution of a number of campus events highlighting student and faculty research (e.g. lunch-and-learns and colloquiums), fundraisers to support the Club's efforts, and field trips to immerse students and faculty with research even further. Additionally, students have the opportunity to receive funding to support their scholarly work and their dissemination of that work at professional meetings and conferences. Finally, students in the Club also have the opportunity to earn Research Club Cords as a reflection of their engagement with research and with the Club's efforts toward promoting that type of activity on campus. For more information about the club, feel free to contact Dr. Randy Lowell, and follow the Club on Instagram @USCU.Research.

Graduates: Please fill out the application for Research Club Graduation Cords and return it to Dr. Randy Lowell.

African American Association

The MWOM/AAA (Men and Women on a Mission and African American Association) are organizations that try to empower all students, and teach leadership skills wherever possible, with a special focus on minority and women.

Africana Studies Association

Africana Studies Association is a student led organization. Our mission is to create a dynamic space for students to explore, engage and celebrate diversity. We aim to foster community, inspire dialogue and promote awareness of the diverse narratives that shape cultural experiences.  
Through discussions, events, collaboration, and community service, we intend to empower students to connect with their heritage and advocate for positive change. Together, we build a community rooted in learning and inclusion, where every voice is heard and valued.