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Scholarships are a great way to be recognized for your hard work and help make your education more affordable. 


Apply for Scholarships

All accepted, readmitted and current students can apply for scholarships. You can find applications  at your high school guidance office or the USCU Student Affairs Office.

First year college students will be evaluated on

  • high school grade point average
  • class rank
  • SAT/ACT scores
  • rigor of academic program
  • scholarship criteria

All other student (continuing, transfer and readmit) scholarships will be evaluated based on

  • college grade point average
  • cumulative hours earned
  • scholarship criteria


The scholarship priority deadline is March 1st and secondary deadline is May 15th. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.


Scholarship recipients will be evaluated and selected by the USCU Financial Affairs Committee. Every applicant will be notified committee results by mail, no later than mid-June.

Available Scholarships and Awards

The University reserves the right to make changes to the scholarship program based upon donor participation and availability of funds. When you fill out a scholarship application at your high school guidance office or at  USCU Student Affairs Office, you'll be automatically considered for all the following scholarships.

Along with the scholarships listed below, USC Union also offers two scholarships that are special to our campus and community! The Union County Community Scholarship Program is for Union County residents that have recently graduated from Union County High School, Union County Adult Ed, Union Christian Day School, or an approved Union County Home School Program in the previous academic year. The USCU First Responder Scholarship is available to all first responders who attend classes at USC Union or USC Union Laurens Location. The recipient must be employed as a first responder and be in uniform or other duty attire while attending classes at USC Union or USC Union Laurens Location.