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Volunteer in the Garden

The Sustainable Carolina Garden acts as a service site for students at UofSC. Students can earn service hours by helping complete tasks in the garden, greenhouse and at the farmers market. Hundreds of students volunteer in the Garden each semester. Come join us and get your hands dirty. 

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Spring Garden Hours start the week of January 27

Come and volunteer in the Sustainable Carolina Garden during one of our weekly shifts this Spring! Spring 2025 Garden Volunteer Shifts begin the week of January 27 and run through April 25. No experience necessary!
Preregistration is required.

For planning purposes we request that volunteers preregister for garden shifts. The number of volunteers per shift is capped at 10  individuals. For volunteer opportunities for larger groups or at alternative times please contact the Sustainable Carolina Garden Manager.

Monday 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
Tuesday  Come see us at the Healthy Carolina
Farmers' Market (beginning September 10)
Wednesday  2:15 pm - 3:45 pm
Thursday 9:15 am - 10:45 am
Friday 10:15 am - 11:45 am and
  2:15 pm - 3:45 pm

Where to meet in the Garden?

Volunteers can expect to meet our trained Garden Guides on the Patio in the Garden at the beginning of each shift. The Garden is located behind Green Quad C. You can access the garden from both Main and Sumter St. 

Campus Map

What tasks will I complete in the Garden?

Volunteers can expect to help our trained interns complete tasks such as propagating, planting, harvesting, mulching, weeding, and occasionally building new sustainable garden features! When large groups are present in the garden, volunteers may participate in a litter clean-up, helping remove trash from Rocky Branch Creek and around other garden areas. 

What to wear?

While in the garden, students should wear proper shoes to protect their feet from cuts and stings.  Red ants are present in the garden, therefore bare feet, sandals, or flip flops are not encouraged. Students should wear hats and sunscreen while gardening.  In addition, pants and long sleeves are encouraged.

What if I am sick?

We ask that only healthy students participate in gardening activities.  Any students exhibiting symptoms of illness, or with sores or cuts on exposed portions of the hands and arms will be excluded from garden activities until their health improves.  All students should wash their hands thoroughly before and after working in the garden. This is to ensure we maintain our USDA Good Agricultural Practices and Good Handling Practices Certifications.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.