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10 Tips for Succeeding in Online Classes

It can be hard to successfully manage school and everyday life when they are both happening in the same place– at home. For this reason, the Student Success Center has created a list of tips to help you succeed during this transitional time.


1. Build Your Foundation

Gather information about classes, look through your revised syllabi, and make a weekly plan. Decide on one place to keep track of all your due dates and assignments to make it easier for you later.

Here are two free apps that can help you make the most of your time!  

  • MyStudyLife – My Study Life is a cross-platform planner for students, teachers and lecturers designed to make your study life easier to manage. 
  • BeFocused – Be Focused lets you get things done by breaking up individual tasks into intervals, separated by short breaks. Create tasks, configure breaks and track your progress throughout the day, week or custom period.



2. Ask Good Questions 

If you are unsure of expectations or how to start on an assignment, emailing your professor is one of the best tools you have.

Here is a quick guide on how to email your professor professionally and respectfully.

Contacting Faculty[pdf]



3. Ask For Help   

Like many other campus resources, The Student Success Center is still offering its services remotely. Schedule an Online Appointment with us and receive the same support you would on campus.


4. Team Up 

You have access to Microsoft Teams, Forms, and many other apps through your student account– So why not use them? With Teams, you can partake in weekly video chats with your study groups and hold one another accountable!



5. Do Not Disturb 

Sign out and turn off notifications for instant messaging when it's time to really focus on school work — especially if you're signed in on your personal devices. You can respond later during scheduled breaks/personal time!



6. Communicate Expectations  

Sadly, there isn't a "Do Not Disturb" button for real life. That's why it's important to communicate with your roommates/family ahead of time to let them know when you'll be working– especially if any of your classes utilize video calling.



7. Stay Focused  

It can be really easy to get distracted when you don’t want to do schoolwork—you might even clean your room instead of reading that chapter for English. Hold off on household chores, social media time, and streaming shows or movies until your work is done.




8. Don’t Forget To Eat 

Working in some time for meals and snacks is a great way to help prioritize some self-care during a high stress time. Avoid looking at anything school-related during your meal breaks– Instead, consider connecting with a friend or family member over the phone or video chat while you grab a bite to eat!




9. Separate Your Spaces

Designate a workspace in a comfortable and quiet area of your home for schoolwork only so that you can stay in the zone. Let your bedroom be a sacred space for relaxation and sleep– not a space to stress about school.  



10. Schedule Personal Time

Just like you normally would during the school year, make sure you set aside some time for yourself.  Whether that’s taking a walk, watching Netflix, playing video games, or watching TikTok– Do something that you’ll get enjoyment out of so that you can recharge and be ready to tackle the next task/assignment. 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.