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Student Success Center

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Submit an Alert

Through the EAB/Navigate platform, faculty, instructors, and campus partners can submit alerts on behalf of students to the Student Success Center for academic and/or financial support at any time.

Submit an Alert

Alerts are proactively submitted by faculty, instructors, and campus partners.

Progress Reports are sent out to instructors affiliated with key courses to identify students at-risk of failing during intentional times of the semester. As an example, for traditional 15-week semester long courses, progress reports are usually sent between weeks 4-6 and before the 'WF' deadline.
If your course is part of the University's Progress Report Initiative, you'll:
  • Receive an e-mail titled 'Submit Progress Reports for Your Students' and follow the hyperlink to begin entering student feedback
  • For any student you determine as "at-risk", you'll select 'yes', followed by the one alert reason that is most impacting the studen'ts ability to be successful in the course, whether that be 'Alert - Class Absence', 'Alert - Poor Grades/Assignment Concerns', and/or 'Alert - Other' (please note information such as how many absences, course grade, and comments is not required but helpful)
  • For any student you determine as "not at-risk", you'll select 'no', followed by a positive alert reason such as 'Kudos - Class Participation/Engagement', 'Kudos - Exceptional Performance', and/or 'Kudos - Improved Performance'. Note: submitting students as "not at-risk" and including positive alerts is not required but helpful
  • Submit the Progress Reports. You can choose 1 of 2 options:
    • Submit only marked students (but I'm not done): This button will submit students you have marked as being complete (effectively removing them from your list of students). However, the students you have not marked will remain on your list. It's recommended that large sections utilize this feature. 
    • Submit unmarked students as not at-risk (I'm all done): This is your "I'm all done" button, it will submit the students you have marked as you indicated. It will also submit the rest of your students as not at-risk. It's recommended that you use this feature to quickly identify which students are at-risk but don't have to take time to identify which students are not at-risk.
Courses selected for the University's Progress Report Initiative are chosen because:
  • they're historically difficult courses and/or
  • the SSC provides some sort of academic support (i.e. Supplemental Instruction, Peer Tutoring, etc.)

Academic Units and/or Instructors that teach courses that are not currently part of the University's Progress Report Initiative but are interested in more information and/or adding their course can complete the University of South Carolina Progress Report Initiative Interest Form.

  • Arnold School of Public Health: PUBH 302 
  • College of Arts & Sciences: BIOL 101, BIOL 102, BIOL 243, BIOL 244, CHEM 102, CHEM 111, CHEM 112, CHEM 333, CHEM 334, ENGL 101, ENGL 102, MATH 111, MATH 111i, MATH 115, MATH 122, MATH 141, MATH 142, MATH 170, MATH 174
  • Molinaroli College of Engineering & Computing: AESP 265, BMEN 212, BMEN 263, BMEN 290, CSCE 101, CSCE 102, CSCE 145, CSCE 146, CSCE 190, CSCE 206, CSCE 211, CSCE 212, CSCE 215, CSCE 240, CSCE 247, CSCE 350, CSCE 390, ECHE 300, ECHE 310, ECHE 311, ECHE 320, ECIV 111, ECIV 200, ECIV 201, ECIV 220, ECIV 320, ECIV 360, ELCT 102, ELCT 201, ELCT 220, ELCT 221, EMCH 101, EMCH 111, EMCH 200, EMCH 201, EMCH 220, EMCH 260, EMCH 290, EMCH 310, EMCH 354, EMCH 360, ITEC 101, ITEC 233, ITEC 245,  ITEC 264, ITEC 265
  • College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management: HRTM 110, HRTM 280, RETL 261, RETL 262, SPTE 201, SPTE 202, SPTE 203, SPTE 274, SPTE 440
  • Darla Moore School of Business: ACCT 225, ACCT 226, ACCT 324, ECON 221, ECON 222, ECON 224, FINA 363, FINA 365, FINA 469, FINA 470, MGMT 371, MGMT 478, MGSC 290, MGSC 291, MGSC 394, MGSC 395, MKTG 350
  • School of Music:  MUSC 114, MUSC 117, MUSC 215, MUSC 217
  • University 101 Programs: UNIV 101

Instructors that have students who are enrolleed in their courses and are affiliated with the following populations will also receive Progress Report requests:

  • International Accelerator Program
  • Opportunity Scholars Program
  • Complete Carolina Students
  • All students enrolled in the College of Pharmacy 

**The abovementioned courses are up-to-date for the Fall 2024 semester

“This course participates in the University's Progress Report Initiative. At key points throughout the semester, the instructor may alert the Student Success Center and/or University Advising Center of students who may not be meeting criteria that’s been established for both attendance as well as poor grade/assignment concerns. Students who receive an alert may get an e-mail, phone call or text message from their Academic Advisor and/or the Student Success Center, in which they're encouraged to connect with additional academic support resources."

Academic Units and/or Instructors that teach courses that are not currently part of the University's Progress Report Initiative but are interested in more information and/or adding their course can complete the University of South Carolina Progress Report Initiative Interest Form.

Academic Units and/or Instructors that teach courses that are not currently part of the University's Progress Report Initiative but are interested in more information and/or adding their course can complete the University of South Carolina Progress Report Initiative Interest Form.

You can also refer a student by submitting a standalone alert. A standalone alert is proactively submitted by instructors/campus partners and can be submitted at any time. Alerts will trigger cases to develop a response & intervention plan. 

  • Alert - Class Absence:
    • Student has missed 2 or more consecutive classes and/or missed regularly (but not consecutively) 
    • Student has stopped attending your class
    • Student has not responded to your communication after missing one or more classes
  • Alert - Poor Grades/Assignment Concerns: 
    • Student never, rarely, or inconsistently turns in assignments
    • Student has not turned in a major assignment
    • Student quiz/exam grades indicate they're not grasping the material
    • Student has missed an exam and has not contacted you within a reasonable amount of time
    • Student grade is in jeopardy if the current level of performance continues
  • Alert - Other:
    • Student is demonstrating a lack of engagement/participation
    • Student is experiencing technology issues
    • Student does not have required materials to be successful in the course
    • A grade above F is unattainable 
  • Kudos - Class Participation/Engagement:
    • Student makes significant efforts in contributing to and being engaged in class
  • Kudos - Exceptional Performance:
    • Student demonstrates exemplary performance
    • Student would make a good Student Success Center Peer Leader
  • Kudos - Improved Performance:
    • Student has made significant positive academic behavior changes
Log in to the alert Platform using your USC username and password. 
  1. Within your Professor Profile, on the right hand side under Actions, select "I want to...Issue an Alert"
  2. Using your course roster, type the USCID, username, or full name of the student you wish to submit an alert for in the box titled 'Student'
    1. For any student you believe is "at-risk", you'll select from one of the following alert reasons: 'Alert - Class Absence', 'Alert - Poor Grades/Assignment Concerns', and/or 'Alert - Other'
      1. Please select the course the alert is associated with (if applicable)
      2. Share relevant information in "Additional Comments". This can include the number of absences, number of missing assignments, test/exam grades, and even the student's current grade in your course
    2. For any student you would like to submit a positive alert for, you'll select from the following kudos reasons: 'Kudos - Class Participation/Engagement', 'Kudos - Exceptional Performance', and/or 'Kudos - Improved Performance'
      1. Please select the course the alert is associated with
      2. Share relevant information in "Additional Comments". This can include specific examples of the students positive performance
  3. Select Submit
  4. Repeat for additional students
After submitting an at-risk Progress Report and/or Standalone Alert, these alerts will trigger a case to develop a response and intervention plan by either the student's assigned academic advisor or Student Success center representative, depending on the alert reason. Therefore, your students may:
  • Receive an e-mail
  • Receive approximately 2 phone calls and/or text messages
  • Receive a housing visit from a trained & vetted member of USC's Residence Life team (for 'Alert - Class Absence' reason only)
  • Be encouraged to participate in academic support services such as Peer Tutoring/Writing, Success Consultations, and Supplemental Instruction
  • Be encouraged to meet with their Academic Advisor to discuss the course and their major at large
  • Be encouraged to connect with other campus resources including but not limited to Counseling & Psychiatry and the Student Disability Resource Center

As a result of the cases, you as the instructor will:

  • Receive an automated e-mail from the Navigate platform once the case is closed with one of the following outcomes:
    • Connected with Student - Concern Addressed:
      If a case is closed for this reason, it means communication was established with the student (via email, phone call, video call, or in-person meeting) and the concern was addressed. This may include a course of action plan and does not necessarily mean that the situation is resolved. The discussion could have included but was not limited to barriers to student success, strategies for effective time management and study skills, or the development of a success plan.
    • Connected with Student - No Plan of Action: 
      If a case is closed for this reason, successful contact with the student was made but the issue was not discussed and/or no plan of action was made. This may include students who decline assistance.
    • Student Unresponsive to Multiple Approaches: 
      If a case is closed for this reason, we were unable to contact the student after several outreach attempts using various methods include email, phone calls, and/or text messages.
    • Administrative Close: If a case is closed for this reason, it may mean that the instructor selected more than one alert reason, or the student is no longer enrolled in the course.
  • Receive follow up communication from the students assigned academic advisor that will include information on their outreach attempts, information gleaned from contact with the student, and plans they made with the student

If you're interested in additional information, please click here

Any time during the semester, but for traditional 15-week semester long courses, preferably during the first four to six weeks of class as well as before the WF deadline.

Challenges Beyond Academics

If you have concerns about a student related to behaviors beyond academics or attendance, you may consider making appropriate referrals to:

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.