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Student Disability Resource Center

Assistive Technology

The Assistive Technology Lab is equipped with state-of-the-art accessible workstations designed to aid students with disabilities.

The specialized assistive technology (AT) software, hardware, and apps can accommodate students with hearing, visual, learning, and mobility impairments.  Our trained staff provides personal attention, including one-on-one assistance in learning to use assistive technology.  Under the Agreement Forms portion below, learn more about the types of AT we provide.

Equipment Loan Agreement Forms

These forms only apply to students that are registered with SDRC and have attended a scheduled assistive technology (AT) training.  Please contact us if you have any concerns related to receiving a training for access to any of our AT equipment and services.

Smartpen Release Form

Purpose of form: Permission to check out a Livescribe Echo smartpen. 

Glean Loan Release Form

Purpose of form: Permission to be loaned a license of Glean note taking app.

Assistive Technology Release of Equipment Form

Purpose of form: Permission to check out loaned assistive technology devices.


  • Screen Magnifier/Reader: ZoomText software
  • Screen Reader: JAWS software
  • Speech-to-Text: Dragon speech recognition software
  • Audio Note-Taking: Glean app
  • Educational Learning Platform: Kurzweil 3000 online platform provides text-to-speech, speech-to-text, graphic organizer, study skills tools, and other features.


  • Video Magnifier
  • FM Hearing Device: Helps hearing-impaired students understand professors better.
  • Talking Calculator
  • Intellikeys Keyboard: Designed for students with physical disabilities (e.g. Cerebral Palsy) to enhance the ease of typing.
  • Livescribe Smartpens: A writing pen that records and links audio to notes written in a specialized notebook (you never miss a word!)

Alternative Media Services

  • Complete Textbook Conversions: Textbooks converted to Braille, large print, audio, and e-text (Microsoft Word documents or PDF files)
  • Pictures-In-A-Flash (PIAF): Produces raised surface pictures from textbooks for blind students
  • Braille Embosser
  • High-Speed Scanner
  • Guillotine Textbook Ream Cutter
  • Binding Machine

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