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Student Health and Well-Being

Rights & Responsibilities

It is important that as a patient you understand and exercise both your rights and your responsibilities in order to fully participate in the health care process.

Your Rights

We believe that the highest quality health care results from working together to meet your physical and mental health well-being.

You have the right:

  • To be treated with respect, dignity and consideration of your values and beliefs.
  • To receive the best care available for your condition without regard to national origin, race, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status disability or illness.

You have the right:

  • To be provided with appropriate privacy measures during all aspects of your visit.
  • To receive confidential treatment of all communication and records relating to your care, and to approve or refuse the release of such information, except where release is required by law.

You have the right:

  • To fully participate in decisions involving your health care and in resolving conflicts about your care decisions.
  • To know who is responsible for providing treatment, to request a second opinion, or to change providers if other providers are available.
  • To obtain from your provider, to the degree known, information concerning your evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.
  • To be fully informed about a treatment or procedure and the expected outcome before it is performed.
  • To be informed about the outcome of your health care, including any unanticipated outcomes.
  • To have your pain assessed, treated and managed appropriately.
  • To refuse care, treatment or services in accordance with law and regulation and to be informed of the medical consequences of such actions.
  • To refuse participation in research studies.
  • To receive sensitive care and information about living wills or medical power of attorney and to receive assistance in formulating advance directives.
  • To receive reasonable attempts made by your medical care team to communicate in the language or manner primarily used.

You have the right to know and understand:

  • The charges for your care and an explanation of their meaning upon request.
  • Information regarding the absence of malpractice insurance coverage.
  • How to express a complaint, compliment or suggestion to Student Health Services.
  • How to voice grievances regarding treatment or care.

Your Responsibilities

In addition to your responsibilities under the Student of South Carolina’s Carolinian Creed:

To provide, to the best of your ability, an accurate and complete medical history and pertinent medical records needed to assure proper evaluation and treatment. This includes all current prescription medications, over-the-counter products, herbal and dietary supplements and any allergies or sensitivities.

To clearly communicate your personal health care and wellness goals and ask questions to ensure a clear understanding of your condition and treatment plan.

To follow a mutually agreed upon treatment plan as a fully empowered team member.

To participate in your health care decisions along with your healthcare provider and medical team.

To communicate with your health care provider if your condition worsens or does not follow the expected course.

To promptly respond to secure messages and phone calls from your health care team as needed.

To communicate and follow up with your health care team when you utilize any other health system, such as the emergency department or self-referral to a specialist.

To inform your health care provider of any living wills, power of attorney or directives that may affect your care.

To be respectful and considerate of other patients, staff and facilities.

To be on time for appointments and promptly notify Student Health Services when you are unable to keep them.

  • To fulfill financial obligations for your care in a timely manner.
  • To accept personal financial responsibility for any charges not covered by insurance.
  • To be familiar with your health insurance coverage and provide information necessary for appropriate referral if needed.

Provide a responsible adult to provide transportation home and to remain with them as directed by the provider or as indicated on discharge instructions.

To follow procedures for any COVID-19 or other public health related emergencies as necessary for the protection of other patients, staff, healthcare workers and our community.


Confidentiality and HIPPA

In 1996, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was endorsed by the US Congress as a result of the American public's concern about how patient health information was stored, accessed, disclosed and shared. The HIPAA Privacy Rule provided the first nationally-recognized and enforced set of regulations concerning the use and disclosure of what is commonly called “protected health information.”


Living Will and Power of Attorney (Advance Directives) 

There are two types of advance directive documents, a living will and a medical power of attorney. Both protect your ability to make decisions about your future medical care in the event that you become unable to speak for yourself.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.