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Substance Abuse Prevention and Education

Carolina Community Coalition

United to nurture a safe environment on our campus, our members work together to identify strategies to reduce high risk behavior and promote a healthy campus and community.

Coalition meetings are held virtually to facilitate participation from throughout our community. Please register to participate.

Coalition Meetings

The coalition meets the first Thursday of the month during the academic year from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. Meetings take place online. Meetings are open to the public and all are invited, but please registerfor the Zoom links.

We educate our community through education, presentations and discussion, and perform assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of substance abuse prevention strategies.

September 5: Cascade of Care for Opioid Use Disorder in South Carolina

Presented by Jodi Manz, Director of the SC Center of Excellence in Addiction

October 3

November 7

December 5

February 6

March 6

April 3

May 1

September 7: Understanding the Experiences of Peer Recovery Support Workers

Presented by Fellows from Supporting Substance Use Disorder Services in South Carolina. Watch the recording here.

October 5: Engage: A Bystander Intervention Program

Presented by Margo Leitschuh, Prevention and Implementation Team Lead for Missouri Partners in Prevention. Watch the recording here.

November 2: Opioid Education, Training, and Reporting Policy

Presented by Allison Smith, Louisiana Board of Regents. Watch the recording here.

February 1: Preventing Drug Use Among College Students: Current Trends, The Dangers of Fake Pills, and The Importance of Strategic Planning

Presented by by Rich Lucey, Drug Enforcement Administration’s Community Outreach and Prevention Support Section. Watch the recording here.

April 4: Broken Bottles: Understanding the Relationship Between Alcohol Outlet Availability and the Proximity to Alcohol Outlets with Binge Drinking Behaviors in College Fraternity Men at Southeastern Public Universities

Presented by Jarod Holt, USC Division of Law Enforcement and Safety. Watch the recording here.

September 1: Coalition Research Series: Recovery & HBCU Experiences

What is the recovery community like on an HBCU campus? Dr. Allison Smith, Assistant Commissioner for Student Health and Wellness at the Louisiana Board of Regents, and Dr. Vivian Barnette, Executive Director of Counseling Services at NC A&T State University, talk about Recovery and HBCU Experiences. Watch the recording here.

October 6: Coalition Research Series: Belonging, Retention, & Substance Use

Learn about how substance use might play a role in college students' feeling of belonging and its relation to retention. Margo Leitschuh from Missouri Partners in Prevention and invited panelists will discuss the connections and possible next steps. Watch the recording here.

November 3: Coalition Research Series: The College Prescription Drug Study

What is the College Prescription Drug Study (CPDS)? What can the CPDS tell us about students in higher education? Dr. Emily Baker, Ohio State University, will talk about the CPDS and the most recent findings. Watch the recording here.

December 1: Coalition Research Series: Impaired Driving

Dr. Jim Lange, Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery, talks about substance use and impaired driving; particularly about cannabis use and driving. He is then joined by MADD - SC and USCPD to continue the conversation. Watch the recording here.

February 2: Coalition Research Series: Party Registration Strategies

Elinor Landess from Duke University talks about community strategies for reducing harms related to large gatherings. USC Fraternity and Soroity Life, USCPD, and CPD join the conversation. Watch the recording here.

March 2: Coalition Research Series: Cannabis and Student Success

Amelia Arria, University of Maryland, talks about the impacts of cannabis on the brain and overall student success at the collegiate level. USC University Housing, USC Student Success Center, and the SC Network join the conversation. Session not recorded.

April 6: Coalition Research Series: BASICS and Technology

Donna Kazemi, USC, talks about integrating technology with Brief Alcohol Screening & Intervention for College Students (BASICS). Diane Fedorchak (UMass), USC Students Taking Initiative and Responsibility (STIR), and SC Network join the conversation. Session not recorded.

May 4: End of Year Summaries from Coalition Members

Off-Campus Living & Neighborhood Relations, USC Student Conduct, SAPE, and Gamecock Entertainment review data from the past academic year and coalition impacts. Watch the recording here.

September 2: Coalition Research Series: Beyond the Box: From Prison to PhD

Stanford researcher Noel Vest will share his own journey and the research on policy initiatives related to justice-system impacted students. Nothing is more effective at reducing recidivism than obtaining a college degree. Join us as we explore solutions addressing civil rights and public safety. Watch the recording here.

October 7: Coalition Research Series: The Color of Drinking: Alcohol as a Social Justice Issue

University of Wisconsin-Madison Prevention Specialist and proud alumna Reonda Washington will share the results of their Color of Drinking Study. The Color of Drinking study explores the impact of alcohol culture on students of color at a predominantly white institution. Join us for a discussion about the intersectionality of substance use, social justice, and belonging. Watch the recording here.

November 4: Coalition Research Series: The Research on Game Day: Rivalries, Alcohol, and Fan Behavior

What does the research tell us about fan behavior related to college sporting events? Health behavior social scientist Adam Barry will share the impact of opponent rankings, kickoff time, alcohol sales, and other factors on alcohol-related consequences and policy implications for university stakeholders. Watch the recording here.

December 2: Coalition Research Series: Fences, Benches and Lights: Applying CPTED at UMASS.

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is a multi-disciplinary approach of crime prevention that uses urban and architectural design and the management of built and natural environments. Police officers and Student Affairs staff from the University of Massachusetts – Amherst will share their experiences, successes, and challenges applying this approach in their local community. Watch the recording here.

February 3: Coalition Research Series: Medication Assisted Treatment & Recovery

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is the use of medications, in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies, to provide a “whole-patient” approach to the treatment of substance use disorders. Join the Vice President for Research at the Medical University of South Carolina, USC alumni with lived experience in Medication-assisted recovery, and other local experts for a conversation about the effectiveness of MAT/R and how it works to save lives in South Carolina. Watch the recording here.

March 3: Coalition Research Series: The Intersection of Cannabis, Mental Health and Suicidality

Is there a correlation between cannabis use and stress levels? How about anxiety, depression, suicidality? Margo Leitschuh from Missouri Partners in Prevention and invited panelists will discuss connections between cannabis use and mental health. Watch the recording here.

April 7: Coalition Research Series: Cannabis

Tom Fontanta of the University of Vermont shares his insights into cannabis tolerance breaks, including research on his "T-Break" guide, and answers questions from students. Watch the recording here.

May 5: End of Year Summaries from Student Conduct, Off-Campus Living & Neighborhood Relations, SAPE, and Gamecock Entertainment

End of Year Summaries from USC Student Conduct, Off-Campus Living & Neighborhood Relations, SAPE, and Gamecock Entertainment. Watch the recording here.

Workgroups and Committees

The coalition structure includes workgroups in place of larger subcommittees. We welcome new ideas and input. If you are interested in working on a specific topic or issue, please email Aimee Hourigan, Director of SAPE, at or call 803-777-3933.


The steering committee meets on Thursdays at 2pm on Teams.

Spring 2023 Dates

  • January 26
  • February 16
  • March 16
  • April 20
  • May 18


  • Steven Burritt
  • Emily Cato
  • Congaree Vista Guild
  • Anna Edwards
  • Five Points Association
  • Kyle Gilbert
  • Eric Grabski
  • Maureen Grewe
  • J. Michael Harpe
  • Kimberly Henry-Myers
  • Aimee Hourigan
  • Carli Mercer
  • Nikki Prudé
  • Ashley Quirk
  • Marc Shook
  • Celena Traynham

Goal: Gather feedback and information about the student experience related to designated topics. 

Leader: Aimee Hourigan

Goal: Engage in community support and outreach regarding student behavior off-campus

Offices Represented: Off-Campus Living and Neighborhood Relations, Leadership Service Center, Dean of Students, USCPD, CPD, Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity, Fraternity and Sorority Life, and SAPE.

Goal: Compile data, analyze progress, and develop goals for the 2024 Biennial Review.

Substance Abuse Prevention and Education

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.