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Substance Abuse Prevention and Education

Alcohol at Campus Events

You will need to take a few preliminary steps before being permitted to serve alcohol at your next campus event.

Application Process

Follow these guidelines to ensure you are hosting your campus event in accordance with the University of South Carolina Alcohol Policy [pdf].

1. Take an Alcohol Policy Training Workshop

The Alcohol Policy Workshop has moved online! Please fill out the form to be registered for the self-pace workshop in Blackboard. 

2. Complete the Online Event Registration Form

Fax: 803-777-4874
Campus Mail: Strom 302

If your event is at an unapproved location, we must receive your form at least 10 days before the event. For all other events, submit your form at least five days beforehand. 

All events on campus must utilize a licensed, insured third party vendor for alcohol service. 

Per BUSA 1.00 University Dining Services, the University’s food service provider has the exclusive right to provide catering services in non-athletic venues on the University campus for pricing mutually agreed upon in Contractor’s Catering Guide. 


Beverage Amounts

A SAPE staff member will calculate beverage amounts using the Beverage Amounts Worksheet [Excel]

We will return your form to you once approved so you can provide your vendor with beverage amounts.

Substance Abuse Prevention and Education

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.