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Substance Abuse Prevention and Education

Gamecock Recovery

Through peer-based mutual aid meetings, individualized coaching support, sober social events, and community-level advocacy, we promote a nurturing campus and community environment to ensure that all students in recovery can achieve academic and personal success.

You're In Recovery When You Say You Are

However you define your recovery, Gamecock Recovery is here for you. We embrace all pathways of recovery, strengthening the relationships, resources, and services that have already been working for you.

Get Connected

Ask about our student community, explore meeting options, join our group chat, or meet with a coach by filling out our self-referral form.

Peer-Based Mutual Aid Meetings

Mutual aid meetings facilitate the exchange of recovery skills, sharing of challenges, and celebration of successes among people with similar experiences. We offer a variety of recovery meetings throughout the week—including moderation support, meditation and mindfulness practice, boundary-setting, and self-care—facilitated by students like you. 

Gamecock Recovery meetings are held when classes are in session during Fall and Spring semesters. Please consult the academic calendar for more information.

Tuesdays 4-5 pm
CALM Oasis (CHW 215)

Mindfulness, acceptance, and compassion are critical tools in our journey. Recovery Dharma offers a peer-led, non-theistic approach to recovery based on Buddhist principles. Each meeting consists of a guided meditation, readings of Buddhist-inspired literature, and sharing. 

This meeting is hosted by Gamecock Recovery volunteers, to bring this approach to the USC community. We utilize meeting materials from Recovery Dharma but are not affiliated with the organization. 

Wednesdays 6-7 pm
Carolina Coliseum 4003

Each person’s path is unique and reflects their personal strengths. Bringing people together from multiple recovery pathways, All Recovery meetings focus on the hope and healing found in recovery, provide an opportunity to learn from varying perspectives, and increase connection with others who strive to maintain a recovery lifestyle.

This is a "closed meeting," intended for students who identify as being in recovery or seeking recovery. Visitors are welcome at any of our other meetings and events.

Thursdays 5-6 pm
Carolina Coliseum 4003

Addiction is a family disease. That's Some BS! meetings are an opportunity to learn together strategies to take care of ourselves, heal our hurt, protect our boundaries, and become healthy individuals—regardless of the choices our loved ones are making.

Open to all students whose relationships have been impacted by toxic expectations.

Recovery Coaching

Recovery coaches are collaborative partners in the recovery process, trained to support people in recovery as they build confidence, sustain motivation, overcome barriers and connect to recovery resources. Recovery coaching is free for students in recovery from substance use disorder, those considering recovery, and those impacted by addiction in their relationships.

Fill out our self-referral form to learn more.

Recovery Allies

Through Recovery Ally workshops, Gamecock Recovery strives to empower students, faculty and staff to make campus more supportive of students in recovery from substance use disorder. Learn to: confront myths and stigma about substance use disorder; use and model acts of allyship in everyday interactions; and identify, access, and direct people to recovery resources at USC.

Recovery Ally workshops are presented in a flipped-classroom model that includes a self-paced video module as prework (estimated 20 minutes) and a one-hour in-person session. Please review the recorded content prior to your scheduled workshop session. Fall 2024 sessions will be held:

  • February 11, 11:45 am - 12:45 pm (Register
  • March 4, 3 pm - 4pm (Register
  • April 8, 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm (Register

Students who are interested in getting involved in our campus education and advocacy efforts can join our team as SAPE Peer Educators. Our peer educators are a diverse group of students selected to provide education on alcohol, drugs and addiction to other USC students. They encourage healthy decisions, promote low-risk use and help reduce stigma.

Recovery Ally workshops are presented in a flipped-classroom model that includes a self-paced video module as prework (estimated 20 minutes) and a one-hour in-person session. Please review the recorded content prior to your scheduled workshop session. 

Faculty and Staff can register for upcoming sessions through Human Resources Training and Professional Development and the Center for Teaching Excellence. Spring 2025 sessions will be held:

  • February 12, 10 am - 11 am (HR
  • February 13, 11:30 - 12:30 pm (CTE
  • March 3, 10 am - 11 am (HR)
  • March 6, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm (CTE)

Addiction & Recovery-Informed Seminar (ARISE) Series

Our Addiction and Recovery-Informed Seminar (ARISE) Series provides a platform for recovery voices and creates a community forum to explore different dimensions and perspectives on addiction and recovery.

Watch recordings of our past events on YouTube.

Substance Abuse Prevention and Education

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.