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Office of the Vice President for Research

Congratulations 2016-2017 SPARC Graduate Research Grant Recipients

The Office of the Vice President for Research is pleased to offer the SPARC competitive research grant program for program for graduate students from all areas of study. Each academic year, SPARC funds the most competitive applications for research, creative or other meritorious scholarly projects, providing up to $5,000 to each successful graduate student applicant.

Through the SPARC program, graduate students have a unique opportunity not only to gain funding for their scholarly projects, but also to grow their experience in developing competitive grant proposals. Students who apply for SPARC prepare detailed budgets, write a narrative description detailing their plans and research methodology, compile supporting documentation and seek the support of their faculty advisors. This process closely reflects many of the steps they will take throughout their academic careers, giving them an edge on the competition.

This year, we are excited to congratulate 54 students from 9 different academic units who have been awarded SPARC grants for 2016-2017. These SPARC recipients, listed below, will use their SPARC funds to engage in research and scholarly projects over a 15-month period.

Read more about SPARC.

Congratulations 2016-2017 SPARC Recipients

Recipient Name Department or Program Proposal Title
Hessamaldin Abdollahi Electrical Engineering Implementation of an Online Adaptive Impedance-Based Control Scheme for Power Converters in DC Distribution Systems
Adewale Adeluyi Pharmaceutical Sciences Glia Transcriptome Correlates of Oxidative Stress in Nicotine Dependence
Nadia Al-Sammarraie Biomedical Science Cell Specific Role of TGFbeta2 in Heart Valve Development
Oluwole Babatunde Epidemiology & Biostatistics  Racial Disparities in Diagnosis-to-Treatment Waiting Time and Receipt of Adjuvant Hormonal Therapy among Patients Diagnosed with Breast Cancer in South Carolina
Darun Barazanchy Mechanical Engineering Detecting Failure Mechanisms in Fiber Steered Panels Using Non-Destructive Evaluation
Megan Bennett History Cold War Orphans
Alycia Boutte Health, Promotion, Education & Behavior Diet Quality and Mental Health in Pregnancy Study
Michael Brown Music Performance Delphine Ugalde: 'Having It All' in Late 19th Century Paris
Coleman Calva Biomedical Science Localization and Effects of Intranasal Orexin A Delivery in an Aged Rat Model
Yoojin Cho Health, Promotion, Education & Behavior Novel Tobacco Products with Characterizing Flavors
Towhid Chowdhury Electrical Engineering Solid-State Position-Sensitive Neutron Detectors for Bio-Crystallography
Gregory Clark Mathematics A Mathematical Model of Dark Net Markets
Garner Cochran Mathematics Diameter of Orientations of Graphs Given Minimum Degree and Girth
Ekaterina Dolgopolova Chemistry & Biochemistry Metal-Organic Frameworks as a Versatile Platform for Efficient Energy Transfer
Zhuo Feng Comparative Literature Digesting Gender: The Pleasure of Eating in Late Qing and Republican Chinese Liter
Roel Feys Philosophy The Ethics of Health Care Commons Institutions
Miranda Fisher Pharmaceutical Sciences The Role of NRG3-ErbB4 Pathway in Mediating Nicotine Withdrawal Induced Anxiety-like Behaviors
Keith Fuller Biological Sciences Using Satellite Telemetry to Track Environmental and Geographic Preference of a Juvenile Scalloped Hammerhead Shark (Sphyrna lewini)
Stephanie Gray History Restoring America: Historic Preservation and the New Deal
Mark Guinter Epidemiology & Biostatistics  Development and Application of an Estrogen-Related Dietary Pattern to Predict Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Risk
Claire Hann Biological Sciences Modeling Plant Responses to Multiple Stressors
Adam Harrison Exercise Science Measuring Error Detection during a Continuous Motor Task
Melinda Hersey Biomedical Science The Role of Serotonin in Comorbid Depression and Obesity
Tanya Hundal Chemistry & Biochemistry Correlation of Metastatic Potential with Sialic Acid Content in Human Colon Cell Lines to Investigate Binding with Synthetic Lectins: Towards a Cancer Diagnostic
Tiffany Jones Anthropology Exploring the Socialization and Authentication Practices of Spoken Word Poetry
Rasha Karakchi Computer Science & Engineering A Special Purpose Compiler and Processor for Pattern Recognition
Antony Keane-Dawes History Reimagined Community: Imperial Occupation and Liberation in Santo Domingo, 1818-1844
Kristen Larsen Biomedical Science The Role of Interleukin 33/ST2 Axis in Growth and Metastasis of Colorectal Cancer
Jamie Levitt Hotel, Restaurant & Tourism Administration An Analysis of Food Tourist Perceptions of Restaurant Authenticity
Min Li Biological Sciences NPR1 Interacts with TCP15 to Negatively Regulate Salicylic Acid Accumulation in Plant Defense
Guangfang Li Chemistry & Biochemistry Selective Electrocatalytic Glucose Oxidation on Dealloyed Nanosponge Particles
Yue Liu Sociology When Are Differences Between Members Beneficial – Versus Detrimental – To Group Solidarity?
Junyu Lu Geography Spatial Patterns of Future Drought Risks in the United States
Sara Matherly School Psychology Effects of Anxiety on Independence in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Patrick O'Brien History What Difference Does a Revolution Make? Reconsidering Loyalty in Eighteenth Century Nova Scotia
Erik Palmer Mathematics Mathematical Modeling of Multi-Responsive Polymer Gels
Kinjal Pandya Clinical-Community Psychology Toward Developing and Validating a Tool to Assess Exposure to Ethnic and Gender Focused Campus Microaggressions Among Female Faculty of Color
Christopher Perry Exercise Science Eye-Hand Coupling Within Predictable Movements
Shannon Romagnolo Counselor Education A Social Justice-Focused School Counselor Education Curriculum:Trainee Knowledge and Perceived Implementation Efficacy
Stephen Ruxton Political Science Representation and Democratic Legitimacy: The New Constructivist Role of American Public Opinion in the Creation of Representation and Democratic Legitimacy”
Michaela Schenkelberg Exercise Science Patterns of and Influences on Physical Activity of Preschoolers with Developmental Disabilities
Andrew Schramm Clinical-Community Psychology Internalized Homophobia as a Risk Factor for Intimate Partner Violence among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adults
Holly Smith Geography Narrating Social Changes through the Experiences of Ammani Youth Caught in the
Middle of a Regional Palimpsest
Joshua Sparks Exercise Science Adaptations in Glucose Metabolism Following a Chronic Aerobic Exercise Training Protocol in a Sedentary, Overweight or Obese Population
Olivia Spead Biomedical Science Specific Roles of GPC3 in Axon Guidance and Topographic Map Formation during Nervous System Development
Melanie Sutherland Epidemiology & Biostatistics  Longitudinal Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms among Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes
Elizabeth Wakefield Anthropology Assessing the Accuracy, Validity, and Application of a New Method for Sex Determination Using Compositions, Concentrations, and Isotopic Variations of Iron (Fe) and Copper (Cu) in Human Bone
Clorissa Washington-Hughes Chemistry & Biochemistry Enterobactin Biosynthesis: A Potential Target for Treating Pathogenic and Nickel-Resistant Bacteria
Jane Weatherred Mass Communications Redevelopment of the Child Sexual Abuse Myth Scale
Jillian Weber English Female Athleticism in American Literature
Farzana Yasmeen Mechanical Engineering Assessment of Methodologies for Compensation of Out-of-Plane Rotation Error in 3D Digital Image Correlation
Samantha Yaussy Anthropology The Intersections of Health and Wealth: Socioeconomic Status, Frailty, and Mortality in Industrial England
Jingsheng Zhang Comparative Literature Re-Reading the Intellectual Turn in 1980s Chinese Poetic Field: A Study of Unofficial Poetry Journals After 1985
Jiali Zheng Epidemiology & Biostatistics  Association between Inflammatory Potential of Diet and Pancreatic Cancer Risk in Two Prospective Cohorts

7 February 2017

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.