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Office of the Vice President for Research

Office of Research Congratulates 2015 SPARC Graduate Research Grant Recipients

The Vice President for Research is pleased to announce the 2014-2015 recipients of the SPARC Graduate Research Grant. This year’s 48 recipients represent 11 academic units, and will undertake diverse and exciting research and scholarly projects.

Now in its third year, SPARC provides funds and valuable experience for graduate student researchers who earn the award through a competitive grant process. These outstanding students have already taken a significant step forward in preparing for their careers by developing their SPARC grant proposal packages complete with standard components like a detailed research narrative, budget and other supporting documentation. The application materials are similar to what they will be required to create when they apply for nationally competitive grants in their professional lives.

These students will have up to 15 months to complete their SPARC-funded projects. Once they have finished their research projects, they will present their findings at the 2016 Graduate Student Day, and can develop articles and papers based on their work for publication in research journals, acquiring even more experience to apply to their futures in research and scholarship. 

Read more about SPARC.

2014-2015 SPARC Recipients

Recipient Name

Department or Program

Project Title

Md Riaz Ahmed Mechanical Engineering Autonomous Energy Scavenging from Low Frequency Ambient Noise using AcoustoElastic MetaMaterials (AEMM)
Dawood Al Jahwari Hospitality Management The Role of Islamic Religiosity in Predicting Destination Choice Decisions
Nazli Asgari Chemical Engineering Investigation of NOx-CO Formation in Syngas Combustion in Gas Turbine Applications
Jessica Baer Exercise Science Enhancing Brain Plasticity with Aerobic Exercise and Transcranial Direct Current Brain Stimulation
Cynthia Bateman English Performing (Canine) Soldier
Douglas Cahl Geological Sciences Ocean Surface Current Measurement using HF Radars: Improving Accuracy
Dominic Casali Chemical Engineering Decellularization of Porcine Tissue Matrices Using Dense-Phase Carbon Dioxide
Jessica Chandler Exercise Science Maximization of Children's Physical Activity Opportunities in After School Programs
Evelyn Chukwurah Biological Sciences Characterization of PACT and ADAR-1's HIV-1 Inhibitory Actions
Lauren Colomb Linguistics Language, Race, and Local Identity in New Orleans: A Comparative Study of Yat and African American English
Suvarthi Das Environmental Health Sciences Mechanistic Study of Redox Signaling-induced Toll-like Receptor 4 Activation, Which is Crucial for Disinfection Byproduct (DBP)-mediated NASH Progression
Liya Deng Library and Information Science Equity of Access to Cultural Heritage:  The Influence of Museum Experience on Learning in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Daniel Einor Biological Sciences Molecular Approach to Studying Effects of Man-made Ionizing Radiation in the Wild
Jennifer Ersek Epidemiology Molecular Diagnostic Tesing in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Burcu Gokgoz-Kurt Linguistics Individual Differences in Cognitive Ability & the Effects of Pronunciation Instruction in Improving Second Language Listening Skills
Katherine Goldberg Anthropology Archaeological Explorations of the Dynamics of the 19th Century Slave Trade in Guinea
Justin Hardee Exercise Science mTORC1 Regulation of Muscle Protein Synthesis in a Mouse Model of Cancer Cachexia
Li Huang Business Administration Social Sharing of Consumption Experience -Transactive Memory System and Motivated Forgetting in Pursuit of Identity Preservation
Morgan Hughey Health Promotion Education and Behavior Innovative Spatial and Statistical Methods to Explore the Impact of Obesogenic Environments on Childhood Obesity in Greenville County, SC
Juri Kim Political Science Willingness and Opportunity of Actors: Political Legitimacy, Military Capacity, and Conflict
Allison Latshaw Chemistry and Biochemistry In-situ Investigation of Flux Crystal Growth of Holmium Silicates through Neutron Diffraction
Xiaocheng Leng Mechanical Engineering Simulation of Atherosclerotic Plaque Delamination with Micromechanical Structure of Collagen Fibers
Christopher Ling Business Administration, Marketing The Acceptance Source Effect
John MacArthur Biological Sciences Using plants to produce and deliver tumor suppressor microRNAs as a novel strategy for preventing colorectal cancer
Victoria Macht Experimental Psychology Neurochemical Bases of Attention in a Rat Model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Amy Mattison Faye Health Promotion Education and Behavior Initial Evaluation of First-in-the-Nation Policy of Immediate Postpartum Insertions of Long Action Reversible Contraceptives in Young Women
Katherine McFadden History Garagecraft
Vinal Menon Biomedical Sciences Altered Hemodynamics regulates cardiac valve development
Heather Mentrup Biological Sciences Elucidating the role of Itch in the crypt base columnar stem cell population and intestinal homeostasis
Danielle Nesbitt Physical Education Examining Supine-to-Stand as a Measure of Functional Capacity and Health Across the Lifespan
Jennifer Olejarczyk Experimental Psychology Simpler Assessments via Eye Movement Behavior
Randall Owens History G.I. Joe vs Jim Crow: Legal Battles over Off-Base Public School Segregation of Military Children in the American South in the 1960s
Kwame Owusu-Daaku Geography A Tale of Two Cities: A Comparative Study of the Narratives of Climate Change Vulnerability in the Volta River Delta of Ghana
Rahmi Pak Electrical Engineering High-Efficiency Solar Cells Based on Axially Tandem Nanorod CZTSSe/CIGSSe Structure with Q-Dot Down-Conversion Layer
Kayla Penta Biomedical Sciences In Vitro Arsenic Exposure Linked to Type 2 Diabetes Progression
Neal Polhemus History A Culture of Commodification: Hemispheric and Intercolonial Migrations in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, 1660-1807
Mary Ann Priester Social Work Holistic Defense Program Development: A Community-Based Participatory Approach
Aaron Provence Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences Human Urinary Bladder Smooth Muscle: The Role of Voltage-Gated Potassium Channels
Sahan Salpage Chemistry and Biochemistry Amine functionalized Covalent Organic Frameworks (COF) for efficient carbon dioxide capture and separation
Taylor Short Mathematics Chemical Graph Theory in Croatia
Ryan Starcher Civil Engineering Strength and Durability of Soils Treated with Chemical Admixture for Unpaved Roads and Airfields
Paul Ryan Strickler Political Science Partisan Polarization and Deliberative Democracy: The Role of Affect and Ideology"
Ruoyu Sun Electrical Engineering Building and Tree Shadowing Effects in Air-Ground Radio Channels for Unmanned Aircraft
Systems (UAS)
Jonathan Trotter Music Arts, Choral Conducting "In Hearts at Peace Under an English Heaven": The choral music of four English composers lost in the Great War
Brittany Walter Anthropology Urbanization and Famine: Environmental Effects on the Mortality of Medieval London
Derek Williams Chemistry and Biochemistry Light-Harversting and Controllable Energy Transfer in Metal-Organic Frameworks
Hongsheng Zhang Mechanical Engineering Numerical Studies of Friction Extrusion Process
Haiming Zhou Statistics Bayesian Causal Mediation Analysis for Survival Data

12 January 2015

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