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My Law School

Ramon Schwartz, Jr.


Schwartz was born in Sumter on May 25, 1925. He completed his bachelor’s degree in 1948 and J.D. in 1949 after returning from World War II.

Schwartz served as a member and Speaker of the South Carolina House of Representatives from 1968 until 1986. Shortly after his reelection in 1975, he served as chair of the Rules and Judiciary Committees. In 1976, he was elected as Speaker Pro-Tempore before being elected as Speaker two years later. He maintained this position until his departure.

Schwartz continued to practice law in Sumter, South Carolina during his tenure in the legislature, and served as a former president of the Sumter County Bar Association. He devoted his life to serving the people through law, legislation, and charitable associations.

Located in the Attorney’s Room, 120F.

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