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Department of Women’s and Gender Studies

Our People

Our faculty are an accomplished and interdisciplinary group of instructors who examine power, privilege, and oppression. WGST faculty members explore dynamics related but not limited to gender, sexuality, race, class, age, ability, body size, and religion in historical, social, and cultural contexts.  

If you are a University of South Carolina faculty member whose research and teaching intersect with Women's and Gender Studies, please fill out our online application form [doc]. Learn more about the Women's and Gender Studies Department's current affiliates on our Affiliate Faculty page.

Explore our faculty directory for the full list of program instructors.

Want to learn more about the research profiles of WGST's faculty? Review our research profile document here.

Administrative Faculty 


Core Faculty


Teaching Faculty


Women's Well-Being Initiative 


Administrative Support Staff

Rebecca Dobson headshot

Rebecca Dobson, Program Coordinator

Responsible for business manager duties, coordination of course scheduling, managing administrative assistant and management for undergraduate and graduate programs (including GA hiring).

Tristan Johnson headshot

Tristan Johnson, Administrative Assistant 

Responsible for HR; WGST programming and events; website and social media, newsletters and promotional materials, work-study student management, Close-Hipp office suite management.


Undergraduate Student Assistants 

emma g

Emma Galluccio

I am currently a junior studying WGST with a minor of Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, and a concentration in Reproductive Justice and Advocacy. Growing up I was always passionate about Women's Health, and after taking Women's Health 113 with Dr. Suzanne Swan, I knew the Department of Women's and Gender Studies is where I belong. This is my second year working in the Department alongside so many extraordinary scholars and students. Working for the Department allows me as a student  to connect with so many people across different fields who all have WGST in common! Working on our Women's and Gender Studies: Unboxed  podcast, helping with our first Annual WGST Summer Institute, and working with young girls for WWBI have been my favorite parts about working for the Department. 

emma l

Emma Laing

I am a Junior studying Studio Arts with a concentration in Graphic Design with a minor in Women's and Gender Studies and Art History. I have always been passionate about women's activism and wanted to get more involved after taking my first class in the department last year. Going out and volunteering with organizations such as Planned Parenthood changed my perspective deeply and I am so glad to have this opportunity to stay involved with the department this year. My favorite part of working in this department is the people who work in it. I get to meet and work with inspiring and passionate people and have learned so much.

Sierra headshot

Sierra Perry

I am a senior majoring in Women's and Gender Studies with a minor in Japanese Studies. I am excited to continue my second year as a student assistant in the Women's and Gender Studies department. My freshman year, I took Dr. Water's WGST 112 class and became interested in Women's and Gender Studies. Taking her lesson introduced me to problems such as racism, gender, and sexuality, which are frequently disregarded in an unjust way. By the end of her course, I was cleared of obliviousness, declared a major, and have been learning more and more ever since.   


Olivia Tiseth

I am a Junior with a double major in Political Science and Women’s and Gender Studies and a minor in Law and Society. I am very grateful to have been able to join the Women’s and Gender Studies department as a student assistant! I have been able to learn so much from every member of the department as well as the other student assistants and their perspectives. I have also been able to participate in amazing opportunities, my favorite being helping to work on and host our student-led podcast Women’s and Gender Studies: Unboxed!

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.