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Department of Women’s and Gender Studies

  • Students in a group study session

Current Graduate Students

The information resource page for current Women's and Gender Studies Graduate Certificate students. 

Certificate Requirements
Track your certificate completion progress by reviewing requirements in the Graduate Studies Bulletin.  

Visit the Academic Bulletin for a full list of Women's and Gender Studies courses. Browse upcoming courses for the next semester:

Graduate School Information

Graduate Research and Teaching Awards
The Women's and Gender Studies Graduate Certificate program offers a variety of awards to fund research and travel, finance doctoral studies, and award exemplary papers and teaching. 

Harriott Hampton Faucette Award

The Harriott Hampton Faucette Award is designed to assist Women’s and Gender Studies Graduate Certificate students with research and professional development. Proposals should be consistent with the research mission of Women’s and Gender Studies to reconceptualize knowledge, create new knowledge, and/or reinterpret existing knowledge through the lens of gender and the prism of diversity.

Eligibility: This award is open to all Women’s and Gender Studies Graduate Certificate students and students currently enrolled in Women’s and Gender Studies Graduate Certificate courses.

Award amount: Maximum of $500. Award is for research/professional development expenses (travel expenses, books, supplies, equipment). Awardees will be recognized at the Women's and Gender Studies Awards Ceremony. Please be aware that receipt of this money may affect the recipient's financial aid.

Application Process: The application consists of the following:

  • A cover page that includes the project title, your name, email address, postal address, and telephone number.
  • A two-page proposal that addresses the aim and purpose of the research, the methodology and the significance of the research to the research mission of Women’s and Gender Studies.
  • An itemized budget of expenses to be covered by the award.
  • A one-page curriculum vita/resume.

The link to the application form is available here.

Application deadline: November 1

Emily Thompson Student Award

The Emily Thompson Award in Women’s and Gender Studies is designed to recognize the best graduate student research paper or project focusing on some aspect of women’s health.

Eligibility: The award is open to any research papers or projects completed in 2024 produced by graduate students who are enrolled at USC at the time of application and receipt of the award.

Award amount: $250. Awardees will be recognized at the Women's and Gender Studies Awards Ceremony. Please be aware that receipt of this money may have an impact on your financial aid.

Application Process: The application consists of the following:

  • A cover page that includes the project title, your name, email address, postal address and telephone number.
  • A cover letter that addresses the aim and purpose of the research, the methodology and the significance of the research to the research mission of Women’s and Gender Studies.
  •  A one-page curriculum vita/resume.
  • The completed research paper or project – page limit 25 pages.

The link to the application form is available here.

Application Deadline: November 1

Women’s and Gender Studies Graduate Student Teaching Award

This award was established to recognize outstanding teaching in Women’s and Gender Studies undergraduate courses by graduate student instructors.

Eligibility: Nominees must have:

  • taught at least one undergraduate WGST (or WGST cross-listed) course within one semester of the time of nomination.
  • demonstrated a history of effective and sustained integration of race, class, gender, and sexuality issues into course materials and requirements.
  • evidence of teaching effectiveness via student teaching evaluations.

Award Amount: A $250 one-time scholarship award will be presented to a graduate student. Awardees will be recognized at the Women's and Gender Studies Awards Ceremony.

Application Process: Nominations (which may be self-nominations) will be sought from students and faculty members on all USC campuses offering WGST courses. Nominees will be asked to provide copies of student evaluations, peer evaluations, and course syllabi.

The link to the application form is available here.

Application Deadline: January 31



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