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Department of Women’s and Gender Studies

365 Plays/365 Days Project

In 2007, WWBI hosted several performances of selected one-act plays from Suzan-Lori Parks’ 365 Plays/365 Days. The goal was to use non-actors and an interdisciplinary, multi-vocal, grassroots approach to Parks' work in order to foster connection and dialogue between artists and the Columbia community. In addition, 365 served as a catalyst for outreach into diverse and contrasting community environments. The play was directed by a Women's and Gender Studies certificate student, Amanda Reyelt, and was performed at various community sites, including:

The performances and talkbacks were free to the public and were performed in a 7-day cycle. Cast included: Bill Boland, Max Highsmith, Vivian Steve Russell, Christine Schatzle, Genevieve Sloan, and Orinthal Striggles. For a New York Times review of Parks' 365 Plays/365 Days click here.



Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
