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School of Visual Art and Design

Faculty and Staff Directory

Lauren Steimer

Title: Associate Professor, Film and Media Studies
School of Visual Art and Design
Phone: 803-777-6673
Office: McMaster, 217
Resources: School of Visual Art & Design
Film and Media Studies Program


Ph.D., Cinema Studies, New York University, 2010


Steimer’s current book project addresses the manner in which cultural policies, economic climates, and industry structures affect the trained laboring bodies of martial arts performers and the way that the spectacles that these artists produce are changed by such structures. Her recent work on stunt workers in transnational media industries has been published in Discourse and the Transnational Star Reader. Her areas of specialization are Hong Kong Action Cinema, Film Exhibition History, Stardom, Labor, and the Body. She has taught classes on Hong Kong Cinema, Hitchcock, Contemporary British Television Policy, The Musical, Action Heroines, Moving Image Pornography, and New Hollywood Cinema. She taught in Department of Film and Media Studies at the University of California, Irvine, where she was Professor of the Year for the School of Humanities in 2007 and in 2012.

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