The Department’s Robert Oldendick and Stephen E. Bennett published the article, “The
Polls–Trends: Federal Government Power” in Public Opinion Quarterly. It examines changes
in public attitudes toward the power of the federal government from the period from
1936 through 2017. These data demonstrate that the public’s views on this question
are largely shaped by the dimension of federal government power activated by the survey
question. When the issue involves the federal government’s power generally, a majority
is wary of big government, and this percentage has been increasing in recent years.
Similarly, when the question involves the personal dimension – i.e., does the federal
government control too much of our daily lives – the public consistently demonstrates
concerns about government intrusion. It is when the focus is switched to the dimension
of the government providing services that public opinion becomes more evenly divided.
Slightly more people believe that the government should be providing more services
than feel that the government is already doing too much. Overall, this analysis demonstrates
the complexity of the public’s views on the power of the federal government and suggests
that this issue will continue to be at the center of divisions in American politics.
The article can be found here: