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Interpersonal Violence

Resolution Process

File a Report

Reports of interpersonal violence are investigated by the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs and referred to an impartial hearing officer not affiliated with the university for a responsibility determination. This dual process ensures proceedings will be impartial and fair for all.

To initiate an investigation, submit a report online


Determine the Resolution Method

The university recognizes that there is not one universal resolution process that best meets the needs of our students and campus community. To adequately address reports of prohibited conduct, two different resolution options are offered (informal resolution through mediation and formal resolution through live hearing). Complainants can start and end at any time during either of these processes.


Informal Resolution through Mediation:

Informal mediation is designed to empower participants to develop an agreed upon plan for resolution.

Every decision in the mediation process is made by the individuals involved, usually through some type of agreed upon outcome. The informal resolution process requires confidentiality, neutrality and voluntary participation. The goal is to address the harm that has occurred to at least one of the individuals involved and attempt to help all individuals move forward.  

Within the mediation process, there is some choice. You, along with the other individual, will be able to:

  • choose to see the other student or not
  • choose to bring someone as a support person
  • choose what you propose as the outcome of the mediation
  • choose, at any point, to stop participation.

Students can schedule a brief meeting with the Office of Student Conduct to review the mediation process further by calling Fran Larder at 803-777-8121. Faculty and staff mediation is facilitated through EOP. Please contact their office at 803-777-3854.

You, along with the other individuals involved, will have the choice to determine how to engage in the mediation process. There are two options for resolution: 

Individual mediation: Participants do not interact at any point in the process.

Group mediation: Participants engage in group dialogue at one or more points (of their choosing) in the process.

If individuals choose different options, the default method for resolution is individual mediation.


Formal Resolution through Live Hearing:

Students and faculty and staff members also have the option to move forward with formal resolution through a live hearing. In this process, the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs will conduct an investigation, providing each individual with the opportunity to submit, review and respond to information. After an investigation is complete, the case is referred to an outside hearing officer who will conduct a live hearing and make a determination. We recommend speaking with your advisor and campus staff in the investigation process to prepare for hearing procedures.  

Consult the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs for more information.


Findings, Sanctions and Appeals

At the conclusion of the formal resolution process, a determination of responsibility will be made. Sanctions are designed to restore or preserve equal access to the university's education programs or activities.

  • issuance of no contact order
  • campus restriction
  • conduct probation
  • assessment with a counseling agency
  • removal from university housing
  • suspension
  • expulsion
  • written warning
  • disciplinary probation
  • assessment with a counseling agency
  • suspension from university position
  • termination from university position

Refer to HR policy 1.39 and 1.42 for more information.



Decisions from the hearing officer are the final and highest level of case resolution. An appeal is only allowed if there has been a procedural error or if there is new evidence that could not have been available at the time of the hearing.

Interpersonal Violence

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.