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Interpersonal Violence


UofSC currently has separate contracts for three Maxient systems totaling $22,000 ($10,000 for Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity/Student Care and Outreach Team, $6,000 for Office of Equal Opportunity Programs, and $6,000 for Office of the Dean of Students and Ombuds Services). As part of the Title IX Task Force’s recommendation to implement consistent case management, better record keeping, and ease of access to data for annual reporting, we are proposing the consolidation of these systems into one Maxient contract by January 1, 2022. A meeting with Maxient and two level 5 users from the system occurred on July 27, 2021 and outlined the following considerations and actionable items. The case management system will be meticulously set up with access restriction groups and user levels so any confidential information will only be viewed by those with an educational need to know to be able to perform their professional responsibilities.

Procedural Considerations 

  • Maxient will work through the consolidation one system at a time using the student conduct system as the primary database because of its large number of cases.

  • All historical data will be transferred over into the consolidated system so any previous cases can be easily accessed.

  • The entire process will take a couple of weeks of preparation and planning with a recommended weekend for the system to be shut down (except for incident reporting) for the consolidation to occur.

Financial Considerations

  • Maxient will charge a onetime consolidation fee of $20,000. The three separate contracts were already paid for this upcoming year and will used to prorate the consolidation fee once the systems are consolidated.

  • The new 3-year contract for the consolidated system would be $13,000 ($9,000 less than what we are paying right now).

  • Once the new system has been implemented and users are in the system for a few months, we propose having Maxient staff facilitate a training in Summer 2022 for all end users (especially with new staff and the potential recommendation to add members from HR/Provost into the system) which would cost $7,800 for a two-day training.

Reporting Map Process [pdf]

Transcript and description of the pdf drawing: 

A title at the top of the illustration reads IPV Interim Policy Process, prepared by the Office of the Dean of Students.

The first collection of steps is titled Report Generation.

  1. An Interpersonal Violence Report is Filed. For Students: Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention & Prevention (SAVIP) or the Office of Student Conduct (OSC) as determined by information on the IPV report reaches out to the complainant to facilitate supportive measures and discuss interest in resolution options and procedures. For Faculty/Staff: EOP makes contact for supportive measures and resolution procedures.  Supportive measures can include no contact directives, housing relocation, and referrals to campus/community resources such as counseling.
  2. After contact with SAVIP/OSC or the faculty/staff complainant, EOP will review options for resolution procedures which include:
    1. No university involvement.
    2. Informal resolution through mediation.
    3. Formal resolution through live hearing.

The second collection of steps is titled Informal Resolution.

Informal resolution cannot be used for complaints involving a student and faculty/staff incident. The informal resolution process requires confidentiality, neutrality and voluntary participation. The Office of Student Conduct manages mediation for students and EOP manages mediation for faculty/staff. The goal is to address the harm that has occurred to at least one of the individuals involved and attempt to help all individuals move forward. Within the mediation process, there is some choice. You, along with the other individual, will be able to: 

  • Choose to see the other person or not.
  • Choose to bring someone as a support person.
  • Choose what you propose as the outcome of the mediation.
  • Choose, at any point, to stop participation.

Role of Advisors During Mediation: While advisors cannot speak on a party's behalf, they can provide support during the process. Advisors can include campus partners, parents/guardians, friends/peers, legal representation, etc.

The third collection of steps is titled Investigation Procedures for Formal Resolution.

During the investigation, parties are able to be accompanied by an advisor of their choice. Evidence collection will also happen during the investigation process. Each party will be provided an equal opportunity to inspect and review any information. 

  1. Provide, Inspect, and Review Evidence for Formal Resolution.
  2. Equal Opportunity Programs (EOP) will provide notice of receipt of a formal complaint to both parties within 5 business days of receipt of formal complaint.
  3. The respondent will have 10 business days to provide a written response to the complainant's statement. Both parties may request supportive measures. If respondent files counter complaints, the complainant will have 10 business days to provide a written response to the counter complaint.
  4. Each party (complainant or respondent if counter complaint is filed) will have 5 business days to provide written responses to the other parties' written response.
  5. At conclusion of investigation, evidence is provided to parties and the advisors. Both parties have 10 business days to provide a written response.

The fourth collection of steps is titled Live Hearing.

If a complainant or respondent does not have an advisor who can complete cross examination, the university will provide an advisor.

  1. A live hearing will occur after both parties are provided copies of the investigative report and evidence. A pre-hearing conference will also be coordinated. The hearing cannot occur earlier than 20 business days after parties are provided evidence.
  2. A live hearing with cross examination performed by advisors is conducted. Preponderance of evidence standard will apply.
  3. Hearing officer’s decision must be issued no later than 10 business days following the conclusion of live hearing. Transcription (audio or video) will be sent to both parties with the decision.

The fifth collection of steps is titled Sanctions and Appeals.

When findings are responsible, potential sanctions include:

  • no contact directive
  • campus restriction
  • conduct probation
  • assessment with counseling
  • responsible relationships course
  • removal from university housing
  • suspension
  • expulsion
  • HR action for faculty/staff

When findings are not responsible, it is the end of the process unless appealed. 

For appeals: Parties will have 10 business days to file an appeal of the hearing decision based on new evidence that was not available at the hearing, belief that a procedural error occurred, or a concern about bias during the hearing process. Parties have 10 business days to respond to an appeal. the appellate committee issues a decision within 10 business days.

Contact Information:
Equal Opportunity Programs: 803-777-3854
Office of Student Conduct: 803-777-4333
Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention & Prevention: 803-777-8248
Office of the Dean of Students and Interim Title IX Coordinator: 803-576-8326
USC PD: 803-777-4215
Student Title IX and Interpersonal Violence Respondent Resource Committee:

Annual Report Snapshot [pdf]

Transcript and description of the pdf image:

The cover is a photo of the Cocky statue with the title Interpersonal Violence Education and Initiatives Report, 2019-2020 Academic Year, prepared by the Office of the Dean of Students. Overview: Interpersonal violence education and programming at the University of South Carolina primarily originates with two offices: SAVIP and EOP. These two departments work with campus partners to create a cross-campus and community-wide effort that addresses sexual assault with students, faculty and staff. SAVIP's programming focuses primarily on prevention and education, offering presentations that include information on healthy relationships and consent, understanding trauma, bystander intervention, interpersonal violence and the LGBTQ community, and trauma-informed language and behavior. SAVIP also educates and provides guidance to people who are responding to a disclosure, so they can learn the most appropriate way to support a survivor. SAVIP partners with SAPE to provide online sexual assault prevention training which is required for all new undergraduate and transfer students.

EOP provides faculty, staff, and students with information, resources, and tools to help identify and address allegations of unlawful discrimination and harassment, including discrimination and harassment prohibited by Title IX, such as sexual misconduct and interpersonal violence.




Interpersonal Violence

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.