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Interpersonal Violence

References and Appendices


Daprile, L. (2020, Dec. 22). USC professor who was sued three times for sexual harassment removed from classroom. The State newspaper.

Daprile, L. (2021, March 12). After reports of lap dances, lewd texts, USC bungled sex harassment claims, women say. The State newspaper.

EverFi. (2019, February 18). Sexual Assault Prevention Suite – by EVERFI. Culture of Respect.

Zapp, D., Buelow, R., Soutiea, L., Berkowitz, A., & DeJong, W. (2018). Exploring the Potential Campus-Level Impact of Online Universal Sexual Assault Prevention Education. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(5-6). 



Appendix A: Reporting Data

2020 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report [pdf]

SAVIP Advocacy data [pdf]

Equal Opportunity Programs case summary [pdf]


Appendix B: Training and Education

Education and Initiatives Report 2017-18, Sexual Misconduct and Interpersonal Violence Education and Programming at the University of South Carolina [pdf]

Education and Initiatives Report 2018-19 [pdf]

Education and Initiatives Report 2019-20 [pdf]

UofSC Columbia Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates, Impact Report 2018-19 [pdf]

University of South Carolina Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates, Impact Report 2019-20 [pdf]

Human Resources, Human Relations Month [pdf]


Appendix C: Investigations

EOP Title IX Process Flowcharts and Explanations [pdf]

Template of Cover Letter Providing Evidence and Draft of Investigative Report to Parties in Title IX, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, or Interpersonal Violence Case [pdf]

Cover letter to accompany student Title IX Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct Interpersonal Violence Investigative Report [pdf]

Cover letter to Template for Letter to Accompany Faculty and Staff Title IX Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct Interpersonal Violence Investigative Report [pdf]

Template for Providing Notice of Dismissal of Complaint under Title IX in Faculty and Staff Cases [pdf]

Template for Providing Notice of Dismissal of Complaint under Title IX in Student Cases [pdf]

Template for Providing Notice of Allegations to Parties in Sexual Harassment, other Sexual Misconduct or Interpersonal Violence cases [pdf]

Student interpersonal violence informal resolution process [pdf]

Handling non-policy violations of harassment and discrimination [pdf]


Appendix D: Organizational Structure and Position Descriptions

EOP organization chart [pdf]

Office of Student Conduct and Office of Academic Integrity organizational chart [pdf]

SAVIP organization chart [pdf]

UofSC summary organization chart [pdf]

Executive vice president for academic affairs and provost organizational chart [pdf]

Human Resources organization chart [pdf]

EOP Program manager job description [pdf]

EOP Administrative coordinator job description [pdf]

EOP Program coordinator II job description [pdf]

Deputy Title IX Coordinator duties [pdf]

OSCAI Program Manager III description [pdf]

OSCAI Student Services Manager I description [pdf]

Department of Athletics Organizational chart [pdf]

SAVIP Health Educator III job description [pdf]

Athletic administrator job description [pdf]

Human Resources Manager I, employee relations consultant, job description [pdf]


Appendix E: Relevant Policies

EOP 1.00 - Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action policy [pdf] 

EOP 1.01 - Opportunity Complaint Processing Procedures [pdf] 

EOP 1.02 - Sexual Harassment Policy [pdf] 

EOP 1.03 -  Prohibition of Unlawful Discrimination and Harassment Policy [pdf] 

EOP 1.05 - Sexual Misconduct, Intimate Partner Violence and Stalking Policy [pdf] 

EOP 1.06 - Interim EOP Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct and Interpersonal Violence Policy [pdf] 

STAF 6.24 - Student Non-Discrimination and Non-Harassment Policy [pdf] 

HR 1.39 - HR Disciplinary Action and Termination for Cause Policy [pdf] 

ACAF 1.80 - Workplace bullying policy [pdf] 

Interpersonal Violence

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.