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Interpersonal Violence

Success Metrics

As an implementation group it is imperative that we measure success. We have suggested a number of metrics to keep us accountable and encourage forward momentum.

As additional steps are taken to fulfill the action items and goals are updated and benchmarks, we expect that these success metrics will be expanded and modified. These metrics are provided as a starting point for evaluating the success, effectiveness, and sustainability of the improvements to the Title IX program. 

1. Percentage of faculty, staff, and students who received training (check at the end of each semester) is > 90% (Training 1)- In 2018 UofSC had 80% completion rate for faculty.

2. New Title IX Office structure is approved and recruiting materials and position descriptions are posted for positions that need filled (Reporting 1)

3. New reporting form is updated, uploaded, and actively receiving reports (Reporting 2)

4. Maxient is successfully consolidated and training on use of the shared case management system has occurred (Reporting 4)

5. Average time to respond to inquiries/reports -- goal is less than 24 hour response time across offices (Reporting 6)

6. Process map developed and posted on website (Reporting 7)

7. SAVIP funding for outreach is increased to benchmarked programs (Advocacy 1)

8. Development of an external communications plan to promote the awareness of available resources for reporting conduct concerns that fall short of policy violations. (Investigation 3)

9. Number of reports received -- we expect this to increase in the 2021-2022 year due to increased knowledge and ease of reporting (across subgroups)

Interpersonal Violence

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
