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Children's Law Center - Registration System

Training NameConducting Reenactments in Child Death Investigations
Training Description

This is a 1-day, in-person training that focuses on conducting reenactments with caregivers in child death investigations and incorporates hands-on practice in a mock crime scene apartment. This training begins with a review of the fundamentals of reenactments. Additional topics will include identifying the placer and finder; adapting reenactment techniques to a variety of scenarios; and identifying documentation techniques and challenges. Participants will each be assigned a scenario involving an unexpected child death. Using a demonstration doll, participants will walk through the reenactment process with an actor, or actors, portraying the child’s caregiver(s). Simulation trainings aim to mimic the conditions and content of the tasks that an investigator will confront in real life situations and allows individuals to practice their skills and receive feedback without real-world consequences. Participants will receive a demonstration doll to take back with them to their office to use in future investigations.


This training will be offered at the Children’s Law Center’s Training Center, located at 1114 Pickens St. Columbia, SC 29208.

Training LocationChildren's Law Center Training Center, 1114 Pickens St, Columbia, SC 29208
Training Start Date / Time2023-10-16 / 8:45am
Training End Date / Time2023-10-16 / 4:45pm
CE CreditsThe S.C. Criminal Justice Academy and ABMDI have approved this training for 6.5 hours of continuing education.

If you have questions about the training, please contact Daniel Ford by email at or by phone at 8035767235.

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Are you a returning user?

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