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Children's Law Center - Registration System

Welcome to the Children’s Law Center training registration system. From this page, you can find current training sessions and additional information about each session. To register for a course, you must create an online account. This account will retain records of your registered and completed courses. It will also make registering for future training sessions easier. Once you have created an account, you can log in to access your training records, register for an upcoming training, or manage your account. Please Note: Some training sessions are offered on more than one date, so be sure to check the date(s) of the training before you register.

Current Available Training Sessions

To view more information about a training session, please click on the training session title.

ChildFirst® South Carolina

Date: 2024-08-26

Time: 8:30 AM


This registration is not for DSS staff. If you are DSS, you register for this course on the DSS LMS only.  This registration is for non-DSS attendees only. 

ChildFirst® South Carolina is an intensive five-day course in which students learn the necessary skills to conduct an investigative interview—also known as a forensic interview—of a suspected child abuse victim. This interactive course combines lectures and demonstrations supplemented with homework assignments and a written examination at the end of the course. Participants also must conduct a 30-minute interview of a professional actor playing the role of a sexually abused child after which the interviewer is critiqued by a professional forensic interviewer and a group of fellow students. Completion of this training does not result in any recognized state professional “certification” to conduct forensic interviews.

Requirements. If a team from your county has attended a previous session of ChildFirst® South Carolina or Finding Words South Carolina and you work as part of that team, you may register as an individual. However, you must meet the basic requirements of any team member:

(1) You must be a South Carolina state professional, unless otherwise approved in writing by Zero Abuse Project.

(2) You must work in a job, through formal professional affiliation with a Children’s Advocacy Center, in which you conduct forensic interviews of suspected child abuse victims.

(3) You may also attend if you refer children to a children’s advocacy center for forensic interviews as part of a child maltreatment investigation or you defend forensic interviews in court. Most frequently, these professionals are law enforcement officers, DSS attorneys, DSS caseworkers, and prosecutors. Your participation in this training is focused on understanding the forensic interview process and how it fits into your comprehensive investigation.

(4) You must commit to attending every session. Anyone who misses a session, does not complete the practical exercises, or fails the examination will not be awarded a certificate of course completion.

Tuition is $425.00 per person. After registering, you will receive an email regarding payment. Participants are responsible for their own lodging and per diem arrangements and expenses.

2024 Location: The course will be conducted at the Children's Law Center's Training Center, 1114 Pickens Street, Columbia, SC 29208. 

This registration is not for DSS staff. If you are DSS, you register on the DSS LMS only. 

ChildFirst® South Carolina

Date: 2024-10-14

Time: 8:30 AM


This registration is not for DSS staff. If you are DSS, you register for this course on the DSS LMS only.  This registration is for non-DSS attendees only. 

ChildFirst® South Carolina is an intensive five-day course in which students learn the necessary skills to conduct an investigative interview—also known as a forensic interview—of a suspected child abuse victim. This interactive course combines lectures and demonstrations supplemented with homework assignments and a written examination at the end of the course. Participants also must conduct a 30-minute interview of a professional actor playing the role of a sexually abused child after which the interviewer is critiqued by a professional forensic interviewer and a group of fellow students. Completion of this training does not result in any recognized state professional “certification” to conduct forensic interviews.

Requirements. If a team from your county has attended a previous session of ChildFirst® South Carolina or Finding Words South Carolina and you work as part of that team, you may register as an individual. However, you must meet the basic requirements of any team member:

(1) You must be a South Carolina state professional, unless otherwise approved in writing by Zero Abuse Project.

(2) You must work in a job, through formal professional affiliation with a Children’s Advocacy Center, in which you conduct forensic interviews of suspected child abuse victims.

(3) You may also attend if you refer children to a children’s advocacy center for forensic interviews as part of a child maltreatment investigation or you defend forensic interviews in court. Most frequently, these professionals are law enforcement officers, DSS attorneys, DSS caseworkers, and prosecutors. Your participation in this training is focused on understanding the forensic interview process and how it fits into your comprehensive investigation.

(4) You must commit to attending every session. Anyone who misses a session, does not complete the practical exercises, or fails the examination will not be awarded a certificate of course completion.

Tuition is $425.00 per person. After registering, you will receive an email regarding payment. Participants are responsible for their own lodging and per diem arrangements and expenses.

2024 Location: The course will be conducted at the Children's Law Center's Training Center, 1114 Pickens Street, Columbia, SC 29208. 

This registration is not for DSS staff. If you are DSS, you register on the DSS LMS only. 

GAL/CASA Training: Understanding Referrals and Resources for Families and Youth, APPLA, Chafee Funded Services, and Independent Living

Date: 2024-07-19

Time: 9:00AM


This training, offered exclusively for current staff, guardians, and attorneys with the Cass Elias McCarter Guardian ad Litem Program and Richland County CASA, will provide an overview of the referrals and resources available to families and youth involved with DSS. This training will also address APPLA (Another Planned Permanent Living Arrangement) and Chafee funded services (Independent Living). Experienced DSS staff with the state office will present on these topics This training will be offered on a virtual platform. The links will be sent to each registrant near the date of the training.

Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect Training - Southside Christian School

Date: 2024-08-01

Time: 2:00 PM

Description: This training is designed for mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect, and professionals who have frequent contact with children, who play a key role in protecting children by identifying possible maltreatment and reporting it to the agencies responsible for investigation and intervention. Participants will learn to identify mandated reporters according to South Carolina law; describe statutory requirements and protections; identify the role and responsibilities of mandated reporters; recognize signs of possible abuse and neglect; and describe when to make a report of child abuse and neglect.

Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect Webinar - Upstate AHEC

Date: 2024-08-16

Time: 10:00 AM

Description: This webinar is designed for mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect, and professionals who have frequent contact with children, who play a key role in protecting children by identifying possible maltreatment and reporting it to the agencies responsible for investigation and intervention. Participants will learn to identify mandated reporters according to South Carolina law; describe statutory requirements and protections; identify the role and responsibilities of mandated reporters; recognize signs of possible abuse and neglect; and describe when to make a report of child abuse and neglect.

Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect Webinar - Upstate AHEC

Date: 2024-10-08

Time: 10:00 AM

Description: This webinar is designed for mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect, and professionals who have frequent contact with children, who play a key role in protecting children by identifying possible maltreatment and reporting it to the agencies responsible for investigation and intervention. Participants will learn to identify mandated reporters according to South Carolina law; describe statutory requirements and protections; identify the role and responsibilities of mandated reporters; recognize signs of possible abuse and neglect; and describe when to make a report of child abuse and neglect.

Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect Webinar - Upstate AHEC

Date: 2024-11-06

Time: 10:00 AM

Description: This webinar is designed for mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect, and professionals who have frequent contact with children, who play a key role in protecting children by identifying possible maltreatment and reporting it to the agencies responsible for investigation and intervention. Participants will learn to identify mandated reporters according to South Carolina law; describe statutory requirements and protections; identify the role and responsibilities of mandated reporters; recognize signs of possible abuse and neglect; and describe when to make a report of child abuse and neglect.