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Children's Law Center - Registration System

Training NameTraining of Trainers: Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect - September 20th, 2023
Training Description

In this free training, participants will learn how to deliver the Children’s Law Center’s Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect (Mandated Reporter) Training and answer frequently asked questions about mandated reporting. Participants will be required to attend the full training, pass a quiz, and present a 30 minute presentation on September 27th. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate of completion and may then conduct the Center’s Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect Training to employees within their organizations. PLEASE NOTE: Participants should be professionals who are interested in conducting mandated reporter training within their organization.

Training LocationThis webinar will be conducted through Microsoft TEAMS, available on most online devices.
Training Start Date / Time2023-09-20 / 9:00 AM
Training End Date / Time2023-09-20 / 4:00 PM
CE CreditsN/A

If you have questions about the training, please contact Lauren Marsh by email at or by phone at 803-576-7228.

Are you a new user?

If so, please click on the "Create An Account" button below. Once created, you will be redirected to the registation page for this training session.

Are you a returning user?

Please enter your email address and password below to sign in to register for this training session. If you are having problems logging in and need to reset your password, please click here to reset it.

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