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Student Conduct and Academic Integrity

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Academic Integrity at the University of South Carolina is of utmost importance. As a student and member of the Carolina Community we count on you to preserve the value of what it means to be a proud Gamecock by committing to hold yourself to the high standard of Academic Integrity as well as your friends. 

Here you will find resources on how to not only hold yourself and others accountable but also actively promote a campus climate that encourages honesty, fairness, and integrity in all that we do.

What does Academic Integrity at USC do for you?

  • Creates a Community of Pride
  • Promotes Continuous Growth in the Value of Your Degree
  • Builds Trust in Our Community 

Here are some ways to avoid common Honor Code violations.

Policy Definition: Improper collaboration or unauthorized assistance in connection with any academic work.

Providing aid or assistance to or receiving aid or assistance from another individual or source without permission (including improper collaboration), in conjunction with academic work.

Tip: Ensure that the assignment instructions do not prohibit study groups, receiving help from others, or sharing devices to complete the assignment. If the instructions are unclear ask your professor what is allowed and what is not allowed for the assignment in question. In some cases what is permissible for one assignment may not be permissible for another.

Policy Definition: Improper collaboration or unauthorized assistance in connection with any academic work.

Using any material or aid that are not authorized by the person giving the test, project or other assignment (e.g., websites, cell phone, calculator, notes, previous testing materials) that could provide for an unfair academic advantage.

Tip: When completing homework or at-home exams be sure that you understand what resources you can and cannot use to complete your assignments. Social study sites such as Chegg, Quizlet, and Course Hero are resources that you may use to study; however, in some cases, your professor may not allow you to use those sites while completing your work.

Policy Definition: Misrepresenting or misleading others with respect to academic work or misrepresenting facts for an academic advantage.

Signing in for another student who is not in attendance, requesting this action of others, or signing into class and not attending the entire class period.

Tip: If you are going to miss class let your professor know as soon as possible. If you are missing class for a medical concern or extenuating circumstances contact the Undergraduate Student Ombuds Services for assistance in alerting your professors.

Policy Definition: Use of work or ideas without proper acknowledgment of source.

Partial or incomplete citation of work or ideas

Tip: When completing your assignments be sure to double-check that all your sources are cited and done so correctly. If you are unsure if your citations are correct visit the Writing Center to have your assignment reviewed or seek out resources such as Purdue Owl.

Policy Definition: Use of work or ideas without proper acknowledgment of source.

Improperly paraphrasing by acknowledging the source but failing to present the material in one’s own words.

Tip: When paraphrasing someone else's work make sure you document and cite every passage that includes the original author's thoughts or words. Citations must also be included in your works cited page. 

Policy Definition: Use of work or ideas without proper acknowledgment of source.

Multiple submissions of the same or substantially the same academic work for academic credit

Tip: There may be instances when you are retaking a course or taking a course that is very similar to one you took in the past. If you have assignments completed for the original course and would like to use them for the new class know that you must first ask your professor if you are allowed to use the assignment previously submitted. If you are allowed to use the original assignment you must cite the previously completed work.

Policy Definition: Assisting or attempting to assist another in any violation of the Honor Code.

Sharing academic work with another student (either in person or electronically) without the permission of the instructor.

Tip: When working in study groups or helping a friend understand a new concept it may be tempting to share your work with them; however, sharing work in any form during the completion of an assignment is prohibited unless explicitly said to be allowed by the course instructor. 

Tip: Talk to your professor. In most cases your professor or course teaching assistant is who will be reporting instances of alleged violations of the Honor Code. If you are unsure if something you are doing in your class is a violation the best person to ask first is your professor. What is a violation in one course could be permissible in another. You don't know until you ask.

What does the Carolinian Creed Mean to You?

The Carolinian Creed has been a guiding set of values that Gamecocks in a shared alumni network around the world have held dear and live out every day.

Take a moment today to pause and reflect on what the Carolinian Creed means to you.


Student Conduct and Academic Integrity

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.