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Student Conduct and Academic Integrity


These resources outline the academic integrity reporting process and steps to guide you in following up with a student. 

Submit Academic Integrity Incident Report

The Honor Code is a set of principles established by the university to promote virtue in all aspects of a student's academic career. Honor Code violations will be subject to educational and administrative outcomes.


Unsure if you Need to Report a Potential Violation

If you have questions related to a potential Honor Code violation. Please contact our office at 803-777-4333 or to consult with a staff member.

Why Reporting Matters 

As a faculty member you have an obligation to report potential violations to the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity (OSCAI). Reporting potential violations encourages an environment of academic integrity to flourish at the university, while ensuring that the university provides due process to our students. Research indicates when cheating behaviors are ignored, they just invite more of the same behavior and put honest students at a disadvantage. 

While some faculty and teaching associates perceive that the academic integrity process is too complicated, 95% of faculty members surveyed through our Academic Integrity Reporter Survey believe that the the academic integrity process is effective in addressing academic dishonesty. 


Use this document to help you share the SafeAssign report in an effective and readable format with the OSCAI. 



Talk to the student about the concern. Consider explaining how you were alerted to the concern and what made it concerning.

Show the student any materials you plan to submit (or submitted) with the report (test, SafeAssign report, homework assignment, etc.)

Tell the student that you are required by policy to report the violation to the OSCAI. Explain to the student that they will be contacted by email and given the opportunity to have their case heard by an individual staff member or a panel of faculty and students.

Answer any questions the student has about the potential academic penalty you plan to issue if they are found responsible. Remember that any grade penalties for the class or assignment should not be put into place until after the meeting with OSCAI. If they have more questions about the process direct them to the OSCAI website or have them call our office at 803-777-4333.


Dear Student,

As I was reviewing (INSERT ASSIGNMENT/TEST) I was concerned about (INSERT BEHAVIOR). As such, I am required to report this concerning behavior to the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity (OSCAI). The OSCAI will determine whether or not your behaviors have violated our Honor Code, beyond reporting the concern I am not a part of that particular process.

The OSCAI will be in touch with you via e-mail and you will have the opportunity to meet with a staff member, address the concerns and share what happened. If you’d like more information about that process please view the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity Website or call 803-777-4333.

Please note that I will not be grading this assignment until I’ve received a resolution from the OSCAI. If you are found responsible my standard grade penalty is (INSERT PENALTY).

If found responsible the OSCAI will also have the opportunity to issue educational outcomes. In the meantime, please still continue to use me as a resource for completing this class. If you would like to further discuss my concerns or have other questions about the course please connect with me during my office hours.

Honor Code outcomes are designed to be educational and to help students learn from their mistakes. For most first offenses of the Honor Code, students will participate in an Academic Integrity Workshop, and/or be placed on conduct probation.

Our office does not issue any type of grade penalty. You are the expert in your classroom. 70% of faculty reporters who responded to our survey stated that a failing grade on a student's assignment is the most common grade penalty.  

Additional penalties can include:

  • a failing grade for the course.
  • decreasing the student’s final grade in the course by one-letter grade.

You should not fail a student for a potential violation without initiating the Honor Code process. Although the final decision regarding the grade rests with you, our office is happy to discuss potential outcomes.

If you report a potential violation at the close of a semester, it is best practice to leave that student's final grade blank in Self Service Carolina until a resolution has been determined.

While it is rare, there are times in which several students within the same course will engage in cheating behaviors. If you have a larger group that you are concerned about (30 or more students), please contact our office before submitting an incident report. This way we can walk you through the best practices for handling a case of this nature. Please call 803-777-4333 and ask to speak with a member of our team.

Addressing Academic Disruption

Classroom disruptions are behaviors that disrupt the instructor's ability to teach or the students ability to learn. It is important to address each situation. 

What to look for

  • Student continuously refuses to comply with faculty direction.
  • Student challenges authority and/or student raises their voice to another student.
  • Student sends a demanding or threatening email.

How to handle disruptions

  • If an incident occurs:
    • Individually address the behavior with the student in person.
      • Explain the impact of the behavior.
      • Request that the behavior stops.
      • Explore alternatives to the behavior. 
      • Refer the student to the appropriate resource. 
      • Follow up with the student via email to document the conversation. 
  • If the incident escalates:
    • Fill out a conduct incident report 
      • This notifies the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity.
      • Make sure to notify your department chair.

Fostering Proactive Learning Environments

In conjunction with the Center for Teaching Excellence, our office has developed a certificate of completion program surrounding proactive ways to develop a positive academic environment. Check out a recording of our sessions: 

Setting Classroom Expectations and Creating a Sense of Belonging

Addressing Common Violations

Dealing with the Unexpected: Classroom Disruptions

Student Conduct and Academic Integrity

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.