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Carolina Experience

Sophomore Success

SophoMORE September

SophoMORE September is a month-long program dedicated to helping second-year students adjust to their second year at the university and feel welcomed and connected. SophoMORE September consists of more than 35 events that are designed for second-year students at USC but are open to all USC students.

Sophomore students can get a SophoMORE September punch card at nearly every SophoMORE September event that is hosted by the Carolina Experience or pick one up at the Carolina Experience office! Complete the punch card to win prizes! Go to 10 events and win a free T-shirt. Go to 13 events and win another great prize, such as a prize pack or a gift card to a local restaurant.

Don't worry if you lose your punch card! You can always get another one from the Carolina Experience office and the team can check your name on an attendance roster for MOST events. You'll fill out an attendance form at all in-person or virtual workshops. ID card scanners will be used at most outside events.

Completed punch cards must be turned into the Carolina Experience office by October 11, 2024, to claim prizes. 

Questions? Drop The SophoMORE Success team an email at 

SophoMORE September Schedule

Participate in a 1-on-1 SSC Service or Carolina Experience Service 

Participate in a SophoMORE Success Consultation with the Carolina Experience office. Or, participate in the Out to Lunch program, have a Money Management Consultation, attend a 1-on-1 tutoring session, or have a general SSC Success.

Schedule appointment »

Get to Know the Library with Pelicans on the Patio

Thursday, Aug. 22 
2 -3  p.m. 
Patio in front of Thomas Cooper Library

Have it made in the shade! Discover some of the services and resources the library offers — and enjoy a cool, delicious, refreshing Pelican’s SnoBall in the shade on the Thomas Cooper Library Patio! Hosted by University Libraries.

Second Year Success Workshop #1

Thursday, Aug. 22
3 - 4  p.m. 
Student Success Center Conference room- Thomas Cooper Library, top floor 

Want to avoid the dreaded sophomore slump? We've got the plan for that! Join us for this entertaining workshop about steps you can take to thrive in your second year at Carolina! You'll walk away with your own personal sophomore action plan! Hosted by the Carolina Experience. Three workshops on this topic are planned, please plan to only attend one.  

RSVP Required 

Part-Time Job Fair
Friday, Aug. 23
10 a.m. - 1 p.m. 
RHHU Ballroom

Thinking about a part-time job in your second year of college? There are tons of opportunities both on and off campus and the Part Time Job Fair can help you learn about your options! Hosted by the Career Center. 

RSVP Required  

SophoMORE Welcome Back Carnival

Monday, Aug. 26  
Noon-3:30 p.m. 
Greene Street  

FREE FOOD, fun, carnival games, music, and resources to help kick-off your second year! This is YOUR official welcome back event! Rain Date: Sept 12. Hosted by the Carolina Experience. Get your SophoMORE Sept. punch card at the SophoMORE Success table on Greene Street.

Commuter Success: Parking and Commuting Workshop  

Tuesday, Aug. 27  
5:30 - 6:30 p.m. 
Online Workshop

Living off campus? Trying to figure out where to park and how to get to campus every day? We may not have all the answers, but we have some tips for planning how to navigate campus! Hosted by the Carolina Experience office. This event is also part of Transfer Welcome.  

RSVP Required   

Plan On It Workshop  

Wednesday, Aug. 28  
4 - 5 p.m. 
Scholar’s Corner. Main floor of the Thomas Cooper Library  

Science shows that writing things down- goals, notes, your schedule- helps you remember and achieve. Bring your own planner or get a free one in this interactive session and learn how to make best use of a planner and other writing tools! We’ll have all sorts of creative tools to help you! Hosted by the Carolina Experience office and the Student Success Center. This event is also part of Transfer Welcome. 

RSVP Required

Meet the Carolina Experience Peer Leaders 

Thursday, Aug. 29  
Noon - 3  p.m. 
Thomas Cooper Library Front Patio 

The Carolina Experience Peer Leaders are here to help sophomore students transition into their second year at USC. Stop by and meet some of them and make a button! Hosted by the Carolina Experience. 

Don't Be Scared: Getting to Know Your Professors Workshop

Tuesday, Sept. 3  
6  -7 p.m.    
Online Workshop

Approaching faculty can sometimes be intimidating for students. But developing professional relationships with professors can help students learn about research or internship opportunities, lead to mentorship, career advice, and potential references. This workshop will share tips on how to approach professors and resources at USC to help develop these faculty-student relationships. Hosted by the Carolina Experience.

RSVP Required

Visioning Me at USC 

Wednesday, Sept. 4 
11 a.m.-2 p.m.  
Davis Field II

Map out your vision for the 24-25 academic year! Stop by and make your personalized vision board! This event is hosted by Student Health and Well-Being.

Preparing for Upcoming Career Fairs Workshop

Wednesday, Sept. 4  
4:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m.  
Online Workshop

There are multiple fairs coming up to help students find internships and career opportunities. It is NOT too early to start attending these! Join us for this informative workshop to learn what to expect at a USC Career Fair and how to prepare. From just getting the lay of the land to actually talking with recruiters! We’ll cover these topics and more! This event is also part of Transfer Welcome.

RSVP Required

SophoMORE Cool Down

Thursday, Sept. 5 
Noon - 2:30 p.m. 
Greene St.

Cool Down in this Columbia heat with a free sno cone! Chat with Carolina Experience staff about services and how to connect in your second year. Hosted by the Carolina Experience. Rain Date: Sept 12.

Service Saturday  

Saturday, Sept. 7 
8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 
Locations Vary  
Volunteer with fellow Gamecocks in the Columbia community. A wonderful opportunity to meet other sophomores and give back to the community! Hosted by the Leadership and Service Center.

RSVP Required 

Voting 101 Workshop

Monday, Sept. 9 
3:30 - 4:30 p.m. 
Russell House 303 
Did you know it is an election year? Are you able to vote? Do you know how? This workshop will give an overview of what you need to know about voting during local, state, and federal elections. The presenters will cover what civic engagement means, how to register to vote, terms one could encounter during the voting process, in person vs. mail in voting, outlining a polling plan and more!  
RSVP Required

Second Year Success Workshop #2 

Monday, Sept. 9 
6 - 7 p.m. 
Online Workshop

Want to avoid the dreaded sophomore slump? We've got the plan for that! Join us for this entertaining workshop about steps you can take to thrive in your second year at Carolina! You'll walk away with your own personal sophomore action plan! Hosted by Carolina Experience. Three workshops on this topic are planned, please plan to only attend one.

RSVP Required  

Farmer’s Market

Tuesday, Sept. 10 
10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 
Greene St.

Stop by the SophoMORE Sept. table at the Farmer’s Market to get some great resources for your 2nd year! Look for the Carolina Experience's SophoMORE Sept. table! Hosted by Healthy Campus Initiatives.

Career and Internship Fair: Health Professions 

Tuesday, Sept. 10 
Noon-4 p.m. 
Carolina Coliseum 

Students and employers meet to talk about career, internship and co-op possibilities. Now is the time to start planning for your future internship experience. This fair is targeted at STEM majors. Hosted by the Career Center. Register via Handshake to attend.

Money Smarts for your SophoMORE Year 

Tuesday, Sept. 10 
5:30 - 6:30 p.m.  
Online workshop 

Have your expenses increased this year? Living off campus, cooking more? Join us for this helpful workshop about how to budget and make money smart decisions in your second year at USC. Hosted by the Student Success Center and the Carolina Experience Office.

RSVP Required

How to Land an Internship Workshop  

Wednesday, Sept. 11 
4 - 5 p.m. 
RHUU 315- ODK room 

Internships can be a really important and valuable part of the college experience. How do you get one? Join us to hear from experts in the Career Center about the internship process. This event is also part of Transfer Welcome. Hosted by the Career Center and the Carolina Experience.

RSVP Required

Exploring Graduation with Leadership Distinction Workshop 

Thursday, Sept. 12 
5:30 - 6:30 p.m. 
Russell House 203  

Sophomore year is the perfect time to connect with opportunities related to your academic, personal, and professional goals. Engaging in meaningful experiences can help you build a robust My USC Experience transcript and earn Graduation with Leadership Distinction. Join the CIEL team to learn more about exploring opportunities, pursuing GLD, grant opportunities, and making the most of your sophomore year and beyond! Hosted by the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning and the Carolina Experience.

RSVP Required 

Thriving in Off-Campus Housing Workshop  

Monday, Sept. 16 
5:30 - 6:30 p.m.  
Online Workshop 

Living off campus? Concerned about how to manage the commute, stay safe, get along with your neighbors and more? Hear from staff and upperclassmen on how to thrive while living off campus! Hosted by the Carolina Experience and the Leadership and Service Center. This event is also part of Transfer Welcome.

RSVP Required

Education Abroad Fair  

Tuesday Sept. 17 
11 a.m. - 3 p.m. 
Russell House Ballroom  

Meet with representatives from various travel providers and learn about how you can study, intern and volunteer around the globe! Stop by the Carolia Experience table for your SophoMORE Sept. punch card! Hosted by the Education Abroad Office.

National Voter Registration Day 

Tuesday Sept. 17 
11 a.m. - 3 p.m. 
Greene Street 

Are you registered to vote? Voting is one of the most important things you can do as a US Citizen and this fall is a great time to register if you are eligible. Stop by the Voter Registration table hosted by the Leadership and Service Center on 9/17 to learn more and get your SophoMORE Sept. punch card stamped!

Career and Internship Fair: STEM Fields  

Tuesday, Sept. 17 
Noon - 4 p.m. 
Carolina Coliseum 

Students and employers meet to talk about career, internship and co-op possibilities. Now is the time to start planning for your future internship experience. This fair is targeted at STEM majors. Hosted by the Career Center. Students and employers meet to talk about career, internship and co-op possibilities. Now is the time to start planning for your future internship experience. This fair is targeted at STEM majors. Hosted by the Career Center. Register via Handshake to attend.

Constitution Day

Tuesday, Sept. 17 
5 - 6:30 p.m.
RHUU 322

Challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone, grow your communication skills, and practice how to successfully navigate tricky conversations. Dinner will be provided (5:00P-5:30P) before an hour-long workshop (5:30P-6:30P) on how to have difficult conversations with courage, like a Gamecock!

RSVP Required

SophoMORE Tie-Dye Party 

Wednesday, Sept. 18 
Noon - 4 p.m. 
Davis Field II 

Bring your own t-shirt or grab one of the 200 FREE sophomore shirts available and learn to tie-dye while hanging out with other sophomore students. Tie-Dye is from 12-4 or until we run out of shirts and dye. Hosted by the Carolina Experience team as part of SophoMORE Sept.. Open to ALL USC students. The rain date is Sept. 30. Get more information »

Career and Internship Fair: STEM Fields  

Wednesday, Sept. 18 
Noon - 4 p.m. 
Carolina Coliseum 

Students and employers meet to talk about career, internship, and co-op possibilities. Now is the time to start planning for your future internship experience. This fair is targeted at STEM majors. Hosted by the Career Center. Register via Handshake to attend.

How to Change Your Major Workshop 

Wednesday, Sept. 18 
5 - 6 p.m. 
Online workshop 

Thinking about changing your major? Not sure what is involved or where to start? The University Advising Center will go over all your options in this informative workshop! Hosted by the University Advising Center and the Carolina Experience.

RSVP Required

Exploring the Office of Pre-Professional Advising Workshop  

Thursday, Sept. 19 
4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. 
Online workshop 

Are you thinking you want to go on to more school after you finish your undergraduate degree? Could medical school, law school, grad school, etc. be in your future? Did you know there was an office on campus available to help you plan and think about these things? There ARE things you can be doing now to help prepare for these options down the road. Join us for this informative workshop led by the experts in the Office of Pre-Professional Advising (OPPA). Hosted by the Carolina Experience AND Office of Pre-Professional Advising. 

RSVP Required

What's App-enning Workshop  

Thursday, Sept. 19 
6 - 7 p.m. 
Online workshop

This workshop aims to help students understand what apps exist for students to organize, manage their time, study, and also manage their money, budgets, and debt. Join us to learn how technology can help make these tasks easier! Hosted by the Student Success Center and the Carolina Experience. This event is also part of Transfer Welcome.

RSVP Required  

Stress Management Workshop 

Monday, Sept. 23 
5 - 6  p.m. 
Russell House 315 (ODK room) 

College is stressful — how do you manage your stress? Experts from the Mental Health Initiative team in Campus Wellness will guide us through the types of stress you can experience and new strategies on how to cope. Hosted by Healthy Campus Initiatives.

RSVP Required

SophoMORE Mug Making Madness 

Tuesday, Sept. 24 
Noon - 4 p.m. 
Davis Field II 

Bring your artistic skills and decorate a coffee mug and chat with other sophomore students. Mug is yours to keep, good artistic skills not required. Hosted by the Carolina Experience team as part of SophoMORE Sept.. A part of SophoMORE Sept. but open to all students. The rain date is Sept. 30. Get more information »

Internship Interviewing Workshop 

Tuesday, Sept. 24  
5:30 - 6:30 p.m. 
Online Workshop 

You applied for a great internship and were given an interview offer! How do you ace the interview? Join us to hear from experts in the Career Center about the internship process. Hosted by the Career Center and the Carolina Experience.  

RSVP Required

Study Smart: Study Skills and Academic Success Tips Workshop 

Wednesday, Sept. 25 
5:30 - 6:30 p.m.  
Online Workshop 

Need help preparing for classes and sharpening your study skills as we return to campus after a summer off? Join us for this session full of tips and advice for a successful academic semester. RSVP to secure your spot. Hosted by the Student Success Center and the Carolina Experience.  

RSVP Required  

Mutual Expectations Discussion and Luncheon 

Thursday, Sept. 26 
11:45 a.m. - 1 p.m. 
Russell House 322 

Join us for a Mutual Expectations Discussion on exploring the topic “Experiential Learning at Carolina” in our Sept. session. This discussion will explore what participants think about how to intentionally find the bridge between academic studies and activities beyond the classroom. What exactly is experiential learning and what can it look like for you? How can a faculty member help you find these connections? Join this fun discussion with fellow students and faculty! FREE Lunch is included! Hosted by the Carolina Experience, Center for Teaching Excellence, and Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning.

RSVP Required  

Cooking 101 Workshop 

Thursday, Sept. 26 
5 - 7 p.m. 
Center for Health and Wellbeing room 219 

Learning to cook and meal prep is a pretty common learning curve for students in their second year. Join us for this hands-on cooking lesson about how to prep meals for your week! Hosted by the Carolina Experience and Health Campus Initiatives. Space is limited to the first 20 sophomores! 

RSVP Required

Service Saturday  

Saturday, Sept. 28 
8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 
Locations Vary  

Volunteer with fellow Gamecocks in the Columbia community. A wonderful opportunity to meet other sophomores and give back to the community! Hosted by the Leadership and Service Center. 

RSVP Required  

Second Year Success Workshop #3 

Monday, Sept. 30  
4 - 5 p.m. 
Russell House 205 

Want to avoid the dreaded sophomore slump? We've got the plan for that! Join us for this entertaining workshop about steps you can take to thrive in your second year at Carolina!  You'll walk away with your own personal sophomore action plan! Hosted by the Carolina Experience. Three workshops on this topic are planned, please plan to only attend one.  

RSVP Required

Preparing for Midterms Workshop  

Monday, Sept. 30 
5:30 - 6:30 p.m.  
Student Success Center Conference room  

Build a practical study plan for your midterm exams by exploring personal study strategies and practicing how to break exam materials down into smaller study units. Hosted by the Student Success Center and the Carolina Experience.  

RSVP Required 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
