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My Arnold School

Deanna M. Hoelscher to provide keynote address at fourth annual Gerry Sue and Norman J. Arnold Childhood Obesity Lecture

The Arnold School of Public Health will host the Gerry Sue and Norman J. Arnold 2019 Childhood Obesity Lecture on Thursday, September 19 from 2 - 5 p.m. The keynote address for the lecture, which is free and open to the public, will be delivered by Deanna M. Hoelscher (Ph.D., R.D.N., L.D., C.N.S., F.I.S.B.N.P.A.) on Combating Child Obesity from Population to Policy

Dr. Hoelscher is the John P. McGovern Professor in Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences, founding Director of the Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living, and Associate Regional Dean for Research at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) School of Public Health in Austin (see full bio). 

The seminar will take place in the USC Alumni Center (900 Senate St, Columbia, S.C.). The lecture series is sponsored by the Arnold School's Department of Exercise Science and the Gerry Sue and Norman J. Arnold Childhood Obesity Initiative, which is a part of the Gerry Sue and Norman J. Arnold Institute on Aging. Refreshments will be served.

Call for Abstracts

This year’s Arnold Childhood Obesity Lecture Series will feature a Poster Session to showcase research related to the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity and associated behaviors (e.g., physical activity, sleep, diet, and screen time) conducted by faculty, postdoctoral research fellows, staff, and students at the University of South Carolina.

The 4th Annual Arnold Childhood Obesity Lecture Series is an opportunity for individuals to share their childhood obesity research and practice with others.

Please submit a 350-word abstract that includes the following sections: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Accepted abstracts will present as a poster at the 4th annual Arnold Childhood Obesity Lecture Series at the USC Alumni Center.

Submission and acceptance of an abstract implies that at least one of the authors will be present during the poster session. Additional information about the poster session will be emailed to the corresponding authors of selected abstracts prior to the event.

Poster & Abstract submission deadline: August 19, 2019

Notification of Acceptance: August 30, 2019

Submit abstracts electronically using the following link: Abstract Submission Form. For more information, please contact Mazen Aziz at

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