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My Arnold School

Office of Public Health Practice and Workforce Development

Mission Statement 

To bridge academia and public health practice by providing and/or connecting students and the existing workforce to training, professional practice experiences, mentorship, and resources to protect and improve the health of all communities.


  • Manage and build relationships with students, faculty, and community partners
  •  Facilitate, monitor, and evaluate meaningful and applied practice opportunities
  • Manage and build relationships with students, faculty, and community partners
  • Provide professional development opportunities and resources to students and the public health workforce
  •  Conduct and disseminate research on public health workforce trends, needs, challenges, and workforce transitions
  • Develop strategies to address workforce shortages and disparities
  •  Provide educational and professional guidance on career preparation/enhancement, career paths, job placement, and alumni networking
  •  Showcase applied practice and workforce development opportunities and stories
  •  Provide education and technical assistance and support to agencies and organizations to develop and/or enhance public health workforce development training and education initiatives


MPH Professional Development

This resource provides Master of Public Health Students enrolled at the Arnold School of Public Health the opportunity to simulate the job application, and interview process by “applying” to several fictitious yet realistic public health roles. Members of the Office of Public Health Practice and Workforce Development team will role-play as the hiring agency and provide feedback to students on how to improve their application (e.g., resume, cover letter, interview skills, etc.) at the culmination of the mock interview. Several fictitious positions and job descriptions are outlined below in a downloadable PDF. If you want to practice the job application process for one of these positions, click “Apply” next to the position you wish to simulate and follow the prompts. Moreover, this process can be simulated for real-world positions as well. If you have a position that you want to practice applying for, select the “Submit PDF and Mock Application Materials” and follow the prompts. For any questions about this process, contact Dr. Zach Jenkins.

In addition to the Mock Job Application Resource, the Office of Public Health Practice is happy to provide general feedback on job application materials. To receive feedback on one of the following items, select the link below and submit the materials via email. Please indicate if there are specific questions or feedback you would like for each item:

The Public Health Practice and Workforce Development office is seeking student-led proposals to enhance the professional development of MPH students. This tremendous resume-building opportunity normalizes the importance of learning from peers which is an important public health workforce skill. Proposals should be no more than 250 words and should cover the following information:

  •  Facilitator Name(s)
  •  Professional Development Topic
  •  Significance to Public Health Students/Practitioners
  •  Brief description of proposed/event (e.g., panel discussion,interactive workshop, seminar, etc.)

Proposals will be reviewed by the MPH Professional Development Committee. Once approved, the committee will set up a planning meeting to assist the student in developing a timeline and structure for the event. If you need help developing ideas, set up a meeting to brainstorm ideas by emailing Dr. Zach Jenkins.
Potential topics may include but are not limited to: Tips and Strategies for First Year MPH Students, How to Get the Most Out of Your Graduate Assistantship, Effectively Using LinkedIn, Expanding Social Capital During Graduate School, Using Referencing Tools in Microsoft Word, Creating Engaging Presentations, How to Use Canva Effectively, etc.

To submit proposals, email Dr. Zach Jenkins with the subject header “MPH Professional Development Proposal.”

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Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
