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My Arnold School

Award Notice/Setup

Award Notice/Setup Steps
  1. The PI will receive an email from the sponsor’s Program Officer announcing the possibility of an award.  Usually the email contains instructions on Just-in-Time information request.
  2. Once recommended the proposal will be awarded.  SAM receives the award.
  3. SAM reviews and accepts the award.
  4. In collaboration with the faculty, SAM sets up an account(s) for the project.  This is the time to set up multiple accounts, or revise budgets for the year.
  5. The PI will receive an e-mail announcing the award which includes the PeopleSoft (PS) number.
  6. Make sure that your business manager has the PS number to start spending against.

New Sponsored Award Checklist

Just-in-Time (JIT) 

CITI –  Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative

IRB – Institutional Review Board for Human Subjects

IACUC –  Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

NIH JIT – National Institute of Health Just-in-Time

Monthly Payroll Account Funding Review Checklist

Risk Accounts Requests

Given the high volume of grant activity in the Arnold School, there are often occasions when risk accounts are needed in order to allow work on sponsored projects to begin before funds are received. Importantly, requests for such accounts can only be considered following a formal notice of award (email from the program office or grants specialist letting you know the proposal has been recommended for funding; NOT the actual award, since in that case, a risk account is unnecessary) and must receive appropriate internal approvals prior to submission to USC’s Office of Sponsored Awards Management (SAM). For principal investigators in the Arnold School, all such requests should be sent first to the appropriate department chair for review and approval and then to the Arnold School’s Office of Research.

 It is the responsibility of the Office of Research (and not the PI) to formally request the establishment of any new risk account by SAM. To initiate a request for a new risk account, the principal investigator should submit a memorandum OR email that includes:

  • the USCeRA proposal number
  • title of the project
  • sponsoring organization
  • total funding to be received
  • project start date – end date (maximum 3 months)
  • the advance amount being requested (by budget category, i.e.; salaries, travel, etc.)
  • brief justification of the need (with any backup information from the sponsor, if available)

All such requests, once approved at the departmental level, should then be submitted to Charlotte Stalvey, Director of the Arnold School’s Office of Research, for review and final submission to SAM. 

For existing risk accounts, speak with your business manager when you receive your 90-60-30-day notice of project end dates. Only the PI receives these emailed reminders. As you get closer to 30 days, please decide if you need an extension or need to add funds under risk.

Include the following: 

  • account number
  • new requested end date
  • the advance amount being requested (by budget category, e.g., salaries, travel, etc.), and
  • brief justification of the need (with any backup information from the sponsor, if available)

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
