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Call for Abstracts! 11th Annual James E. Clyburn Health Disparities Lecture

The poster session at the 11th Annual James E. Clyburn Health Disparities Lecture (to be held at 10 a.m. on Friday, April 6 at the USC Alumni Center). will showcase health disparities research and practice being conducted by faculty, staff and students at the University of South Carolina. Abstracts submitted by individuals from other academic institutions and community organizations describing their efforts to eliminate health disparities are also welcomed. This poster session is an opportunity for individuals to share their health disparities research and practice with others and address this year's theme: "We Can't Wait - Health Equity Now".

Structured abstracts of 300 words or less that describe health disparities research, particularly in areas of the science of health disparities, social justice, and special populations, may be submitted. This includes abstracts previously presented at conferences and/or published in peer-reviewed journals, provided that there are no restrictions by the conference and/or journal. All abstracts will be reviewed using a peer review process. A poster session will be held during the reception immediately following the lecture. Due to space restrictions, a limited number of abstracts (those receiving the highest scores) will be selected for the poster session. Other abstracts will be printed in the poster booklet with permission from the abstract authors.

Submission and acceptance of an abstract implies that at least one of the authors will be present during the poster session. Additional information about the poster session will be emailed to the corresponding authors of selected abstracts prior to the event.

The abstract submission deadline is Friday, March 9.

Submit abstracts electronically using the following link: Abstract Submission Form.

For more information, please contact the poster session organizers below.

Dr. Eberth, 
Dr. Torres,  
Dr. White

This event is co-sponsored by the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control.

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