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Classes on the Columbia campus beginning at 5 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 26 and all classes scheduled for Friday, Sept. 27 will be virtual.

School of Visual Art and Design

  • Artwork featured in "Breathing Room" by Anna Grace LaFaye

Breathing Room: a poem, a stroll, a dance

An MFA Thesis Exhibition

Artist: Anna Grace Lafaye
Exhibition Title: Breathing Room: a poem, a stroll, a dance
Exhibition Dates: March 18 - 22, 2024
Reception, Gallery Talk, and Dance Performance: March 22, 11:00 - 11:30 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

The School of Visual Art and Design at USC is proud to present Anna Grace Lafaye’s MFA thesis exhibition, Breathing Room, an interdisciplinary and collaborative creative project at the intersection of poetry, visual art, theater, and dance.

Anna Grace’s gallery talk will focus on creative connections and collaborative strategies, and USC dancers will turn the gallery into a stage showcasing original choreography that explores rhythms of life found in Anna Grace’s abstractions of nature and in her poem of presence, Threshold. The USC dance ensemble includes Mary Catherine Matthews, TJ Warren, and Ian Kell. 

To accommodate guests from three departments, there will be two gallery talks and performances. Gallery doors will close when the performance begins. If the first presentation has started, please enjoy refreshments while you wait.

Artist Biography

In addition to the upcoming Studio Art MFA, Anna Grace Lafaye holds two graduate degrees with concentrations in curriculum leadership and playwriting. Current research interests include the advantages of collaborative projects across disciplines and pedagogical strategies for implementing and supporting these projects. She has directed an artistically talented program in acting and creative writing, built props, performed in and directed theatre productions, taught acting and art appreciation at USC, led playwriting workshops, performed original ten-minute plays at festivals, and served as an adjudicator for the SC Speech and Theatre Association. 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
