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School of Visual Art and Design

SVAD Faculty Members Selected for 701 CCA South Carolina Biennial

Congratulations to some of our outstanding faculty members on their selection for this year’s South Carolina Biennial hosted by 701 Center for Contemporary Art: Eugene Ellenberg, Naomi J. Falk, and Adrian Rhodes!

Eugene Ellenberg is an interdisciplinary artist with an emphasis on image-based media. His practice is concerned with the human condition of temporal presence, and the ritual labors of faith and doubt. His work utilizes futile gestures existing in the expanse between exhaustion and restoration. He currently serves as an Adjunct Professor of Studio Art - Photography at the School of Visual Art and Design. Learn more about Eugene Ellenberg at

Naomi J. Falk works across sculptural, installation, and performance. She often makes multiples using found objects—jeans, bedding, reclaimed wood, and construction materials—being drawn to their histories and connotations. What do we hold dear and worthy? We ask ourselves, do fences make good neighbors? Is the grass really greener on the other side? How do we define home and how do we define personal space? Naomi is Assistant Professor of Studio Art - Sculpture at the School of Visual Art and Design. Learn more about Naomi J. Falk at

Adrian Rhodes is a printmaker and mixed media artist working with prints as both traditional works and as site specific installations. Her work frequents themes of nature, the sky, and most recently, bees. She is an Adjunct Instructor of Studio Art - Printmaking at the School of Visual Art and Design. Learn more about Adrian Rhodes at

Join 701 CCA for the Biennial on these dates:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Part I: September 26 - November 3
Part II: November 13 - December 22

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.