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Department of Physics and Astronomy

Faculty and Staff Directory

David Tedeschi

Title: Professor
Department: Physics and Astronomy
College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 803-777-1132
Office: Jones PSC, Room 709
Resources: Curriculum Vitae [pdf]
David Tedeschi

Research Focus

David J. Tedeschi is a member of the Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics Group that studies phenomena in astrophysics and cosmology associated with the properties of elementary particles including neutrinos, axions and candidates for cold dark matter. His research is focused on the rare search for neutrinoless double beta decay which would establish the neutrino as its own antiparticle.  He develops and maintains data analysis systems for the Majorana and LEGEND collaborations using the supercomputers at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center.  His current interests involve parallel programming and using gpu’s for data analysis.

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