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Department of Physics and Astronomy

Faculty and Staff Directory

Enrique Lopez Rodriguez

Title: Associate Professor
Department: Physics and Astronomy
College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 803-777-4650
Office: Jones PSC, Room 603
Resources: Dr. Lopez Rodriguez's website

Extragalactic Magnetism’s group website
Headshot of Enrique Lopez Rodriguez

Research Focus

Dr. Lopez-Rodriguez’s group aims to understand the effect of magnetic fields on galaxy evolution, active galactic nuclei, and star formation. Our ultimate goal is to establish empirical relationships between the magnetic field properties, star formation, accretion properties of supermassive black holes, and the physical and morphological conditions of the gas flow in the multi-phase interstellar medium of galaxies in the local and early Universe. This work allows us to study the star formation history, the cycle of gas in and around galaxies, and the propagation of cosmic rays within the interstellar and circumgalactic medium. His team uses polarimetric observations at the highest angular resolution possible from instruments working from the infrared to the sub-mm wavelengths.

Dr. Lopez-Rodriguez is dedicated to supporting historically underrepresented students and strives to create a welcoming space for all. Whether you want to talk about academic concerns, personal challenges, or anything in between, his office is always open. His goal is to ensure every student feels heard, valued, and empowered to succeed.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.