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Linguistics Program

Spring Dissertation Defenses

Linguistics is excited to announce three upcoming dissertation defenses:

  • Angelina Rubina will be defending her dissertation "Heritage and Second Language Russian: Grammar Acquisition of Specificity" (directed by Mila Tasseva) on Wednesday, March 19 at 3:00 pm in Close-Hipp 363 .
  • Amenah Salman will defend her dissertation “Tajweed Talks: A Sociophonetic Investigation of Pharyngealized Consonant Variation in Ammani Jordanian Arabic” (directed by Amanda Dalola and Jiang Liu) on Monday, March 24, 3-5 on Zoom
  • Paige Pinkston will defend her dissertation "Language, Race, and Time in Conservative Discourses" (directed by Elaine Chun) on Wednesday, March 26 11 am - 1 pm in Gambrell 429 (

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