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Career Center

Assessment Tools

The future is full of possibilities. If you are unsure about your career plans, take advantage of assessment tools. They'll help to clarify your interests, values and personality traits. The insight you gain can become a valuable guide for making important career decisions.


The tools we use vary in price, some are free while others can be purchased through the University of South Carolina's online Marketplace. Schedule a follow-up review with a career coach to discuss your results after any of these assessments.

This is an interactive system of career guidance and career decision-making. You are encouraged to create an account, work through the questions and print your profile. 

It can help you:

  • Assess your interests, skills, work values, personality and preferences
  • Discover and explore occupations and education programs compatible with your personal attributes
  • Map out your career and educational goals

If you are a first time user, email the Career Center to obtain the required keycode before accessing the FOCUS login page. 

I'm a new user
I'm a returning user


This personality inventory takes a psychological approach. You will be asked questions about how you view and interact with the world. Are you more of a thinking person or a feeling person? Once you are assessed, you will be given a 4-letter personality type.

The MBTI is not career specific, but it can help you make career decisions. The more you understand yourself, the more empowered you'll be to choose a suitable career or working environment. Students interested in completing the MBTI should visit the career center and meet with a staff member during drop-in hours. 

After your completed inventory has been scored, a qualified staff member will interpret your profile and give you a workplace report for your personality type. 

Student: Purchase your Myers-Briggs assessment »

Alumni: Purchase your Myers-Briggs assessment »

Students $15; Alumni $20 (expanded report provided) 

This tool helps you discover who you are and explores majors and career paths that are the best fit for you.  Take this quick and easy assessment using the code ccgamecocks and entering in your USC email address. 

SuperStrong Interest Inventory

Cost: Free 

A work values assessment is designed to help you learn more about what is important to you in work and life so you can get the most out of your area of professional interest

You may complete the worksheet on your own, but we recommend you follow-up by reviewing your results with a career development coach. Taking this assessment and reviewing it ahead of time is a good way to prepare for any career counseling appointment. 

Work Values Assessment »

Cost: Free 


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