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My Arnold School

TecHealth's November 27 Tech Tuesday Talk features Jan Ostermann


A South Carolina SmartState Center

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 Tuesday - November 27 - Noon
915 Greene Street, Discovery 1, Room 140

Using Mobile Technologies in Global Health Research: 
Opportunities and Challenges

Speaker:  Jan Ostermann, PhD

Dr. Jan Ostermann is an Associate Professor in Health Services Policy and Management in the Arnold School. He received his doctoral training in Health Policy and Administration at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His broad research portfolio, which includes a focus on health preferences, health valuation, and policy options for encouraging positive health-related behaviors, includes a study evaluating the efficacy of mobile phone based reminders and conditional financial incentives for improving the timeliness of routine childhood immunizations in Tanzania.  He will discuss this study, experiences with the implementation of phone-based interventions and the delivery of financial incentives via mobile phones, and the role of mobile technologies for improving the efficiency and quality of global health research.  

Tech Tuesday Talks is a free, monthly seminar series bringing together researchers from across the USC campus who share an interest in technology-assisted health promotion and disease prevention interventions and research.  The series presents a forum to learn about one another’s work, spark collaborations, as well as introduce students to the ongoing research conducted on the USC campus which incorporates technology in health promotion.  All interested faculty, staff, students and the general public are invited to attend.  Tech Tuesday Talks are presented on the fourth Tuesday of the month in Discovery I Building, Room 140 at noon.  To learn more, visit or contact

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