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My Arnold School

3rd Annual Norman and Gerry Sue Arnold Emerging Scholar In Childhood Obesity Graduate Student Research Award

Arnold School of Public Health
University of South Carolina
3rd Annual Graduate Scholar in Childhood Obesity Research Opportunity

Through the generous support of Norman and Gerry Sue Arnold, the Arnold School of Public Health is committed to developing future leaders in childhood obesity research. In response, the School has established this award which will recognize up to two outstanding graduate students from the Arnold School who exemplify the highest standards of scholarship focused on childhood Obesity.

Two student scholars will be awarded $1,000 each, which can be used toward professional development activities and expenses including resources and supplies for data collection and analysis, travel and registration at national or international conferences where research is presented on this topic, for professional workshops, or for other continuing education/training opportunities of importance to obesity research.

The award funds must be used within 12 months of receipt and all expenses must be pre-approved by the chair or graduate director of the student’s department.
Student finalists will be selected based on a review of the following materials:
1. Curriculum Vitae.
2. Research Statement (no more than 500 words) that outlines the applicant’s research plan related to the topic of childhood obesity. This statement should focus on studies the applicant will conduct that address 1-2 key questions, identified by the applicant, that have the potential to significantly impact childhood obesity research.
3. One example of exemplary work conducted by the applicant on the topic of childhood obesity could be a publication (in print, in press, or under review) or conference abstract (accepted or submitted). The applicant must be the senior author and the work must address a topic related to childhood obesity.
4. Proposed budget and budget justification for how the award would be expended in support of the applicant’s research plan.
5. A signed endorsement form by the applicant’s research advisor.

Eligibility Requirements:
 Enrolled at the masters or doctoral level in the Arnold School of Public Health
 Be in good academic standing

Application Deadline: Friday, August 17, 2018

Please submit your application to:
Mazen Aziz
Department of Exercise Science  

Scholarship Endorsement Letter

Scholarship Application

Scholarship Flyer 

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