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My Arnold School

8th Annual Nutrition Symposium will take place on April 13

University of South Carolina

Center for Research on Nutrition and Health Disparities

Call for Abstracts and Registration Information for the 2018 Symposium:

 Healthy Eating in Context: Emerging Research from Center Affiliates

Friday, April 13, 2018

Faculty, staff, students, and community members are invited to University of South Carolina’s Center for Research in Nutrition and Health Disparities Annual Symposium, "Healthy Eating in Context: Emerging Research from Center Affiliates."

Plan to spend the day with us! The event will start around 8:30am and end by 4:00pm. Details of exact times will be released closer to the time of the event. Other refreshments will be provided throughout the day.

Keynote SpeakerDiane M. Harris, Ph.D., MPH, CHES, will deliver the keynote presentation: Healthy Food Access: Stories from the Field. Dr. Harris is a health scientist with the division of nutrition, physical activity, and obesity at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

Background & Purpose: The symposium seeks to encourage collaboration and the cross-fertilization of ideas in order to bridge gaps between nutrition research and health outcomes by linking communities to resources necessary for improving nutrition.

Call for Abstracts for Paper and Poster Presentations: University faculty, staff, students, community groups, and community members are invited to submit a 250 word abstract to present at the symposium. Abstracts are due by 5:00 p.m. on  March 9.   We are looking to represent all the latest nutrition and health disparities related research.  This includes but is not limited to:

  • Research on food environments, food policy, and food systems
  • Intervention research focused on reducing health disparities
  • Research on the connections between food and the natural environment
  • Communications and framing research
  • Nutritional epidemiology of vulnerable populations

Abstracts will be peer reviewed and selected based on the following criteria: relevance to symposium focus, potential for advancement of nutrition-related research, and quality of content.  A limited number of abstracts will be invited for oral presentations while others will be invite as posters.  Abstracts presented within the last year from national and international meetings are welcome.

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