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My Arnold School

  • National Public Health Week 2018 Health Walk

CANCELED: National Public Health Week 2018 Health Walk

Join us for a Health Walk/Run hosted by the Arnold School of Public Health! This activity is a free, untimed event open to the public to promote health and fitness to celebrate National Public Health Week 2018 together as a community. Participants can choose one of two distance options – 1 mile or 5k. A pre-walk stretching session is being conducted by members of the Department of Exercise Science before the walk begins. The walk route is set around the heart of the University of South Carolina – Columbia campus, beginning near the Pickens Street Bridge and touring around the historic Horseshoe.

Questions? Please contact our event organizers in the Arnold School of Public Health:
Brittany Pope -
Rebecca Salter -

Pre-registration is strongly encouraged so that we are able to contact you if the event is cancelled due to inclement weather.

Register at:

Organized by the Arnold School of Public Health's Dean's Student Advisory Council. 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.