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My Arnold School

Rural Lecture Series addresses Why Rural Health Planning is Critical to Successful Rural Collective Impact Approaches

March 1, 2017

Join the Arnold School of Public Health and the South Carolina Office of Rural Health for the second in a three-part lecture series focused on issues impacting rural communities. The lectures, which are free and open to the public, address the social determinants of health in rural communities. 

The second Rural Lecture will take place at the USC Alumni Center (900 Senate St Columbia, S.C. 29201) on Tuesday, March 21 from noon-1 p.m. The theme is Thinking “Bigger” About Smaller Places: Why Rural Health Planning is Critical to Successful Rural Collective Impact Approaches and will feature Charles W. Fluharty, who is the Founder, President, and CEO of the Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI). 

Since RUPRI was founded in 1990, it remains the only U.S. national policy institute that is solely dedicated to evaluating the impact of public policies on rural areas. More than 300 scholars from 100 institutions in every state and 30 additional nations have participated in RURPRI projects. These projects address how policies and programs affect rural people and places. 

Fluharty is also a clinical professor within the University of Iowa's College of Public Health and the author of numerous policy studies and journal articles. He was a German Marshall Fund Transatlantic Fellow (2007-2011) and has presented dozens of Congressional testimonies and briefings. Fluharty has also consulted on policy to numerous federal, state, and local governments and their counterparts along with development organizations and foundations. 

Parking Information

Parking in the Park Street garage is $1 for the first 30 minutes then $1 for the 2nd 30 minutes. After that it is a $1 an hour. The Alumni Center entrance is on the
2nd floor of the garage.

Contact/Additional Details

Printable Flyer [pdf]
For more information: or 803-251-6317

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